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Hello everyone, Harkeyo here, this is my first blog, i want to write something like this long time ago, because i want to share something like the future animation plan, some interesting model or map i found or just some day dream.

But apparently, sharing it on the animation progress or release post is not a good option, so here we are, a blog, although actually i don't really know how to write a blog, i just imitate how other nsfw animator write their blog.

The first thing i want to share is my heath issue i mentioned on the last post, it is actually about my eyes, lately my eyes has been very pink, pain and feel like it has some sand in my eyes, at frist i though it is just dry eyes but i find out my eyelids are so puffy and purple that look like i take some heavy punch to both of my eyes, so i decided to see the doctor in next feel days, but don't worry, i still can see well.

The other things i want to let you guys know is i decided to cancel Firefly from the schedule and change it to Peko mama, because her pmx. model is just come out two days ago, and i want to catch the trend so i want to make her animation first before Fauna, i will make a poll to let you guys to decided who go first, and also feel free to leave any idea about Peko mama. The second picture is from the thumbnail of the modeler’s post on Fanbox.

The pink eyes,





You make amazing work so please take care of yourself first, I would hate to lose such a talented person such as you in the nsfw world.