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All 3 animation with overlay and flipped overlay are uploaded to Sync archive
Tier1 Archive Link | Tier2 Archive Link

"After the long wait, we finally can see the secret in the her phone..."

Hey guys, the animation is finally done, i make a shit lot of mistake that took me a lot of time to fix it, most of the mistake i even have to find solution from my previous animation file just because i forgot the things i learn before, which is quite embarrassing...

But anyway, i still will keep going, hope this animation is worth the long wait for you guys. And next i will need to take a break the longer than before, because i am kinda burn out and i having some small heath issue lately, the next update will be a week later

Oh, and i change the archive link from Mega to Sync because some member told me he can't access to the mega link even thought i update the link, so i want to try another cloud drive




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Harkeyo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 00:59:21 i upload a Mega link again, please try that one
2024-05-02 00:59:21 i upload a Mega link again, please try that one
2024-05-02 00:59:21 i upload a Mega link again, please try that one
2024-04-21 16:29:51 i upload a Mega link again, please try that one

i upload a Mega link again, please try that one