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Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing alright?

We skipped the middle-of-the-month preview last time around. Being out and about and returning on the 15th or so, It just felt like the time was better used on the game itself, and also I just didn't quite know well enough what the month would even become. With the first few days of each month usually involve some planning, some tying up loose ends from the last update, like stuff that didn't quite make it for example. And of course, the character Portraits tend to get done early in the month as well, which just usually don't need much to say about them.

But yes, what about Update 8 then? Well, I was quite happy with how update 7 turned out in regards to the story progress. Samuel, Wolf, and Arthur all had some pretty decent progression in the direction they all needed to go, and Update 8 will most likely be a relatively writing-heavy update as well.

We've got two scenes that are planned, one is the conclusion to the Julian and Wolf Dice scene. One I think will be good fun! It is a VERY wide scene rather than super long, by far the scene with the most options for a single situation we've got in the game so far and it should be an absolute treat!

The other scene will see yours truly back in the story as well to get tangled up in it a bit more (at least if you did visit Nomax earlier in the day, the scene only triggers in that case). Just like with the dice scene, we'll be trying a little bit of a different approach for this one rather than just picking what your character says or does. In this one you'll get to make up a story! And well, saying more right now wouldn't be any fun. You'll just have to be patient for it.

Thank you as always for your support and I hope you're looking forward to the new update!


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