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I didn't quite manage to finish the Nomax painting I was teasing for this newest update because it's been giving me nothing but headaches... So I had to get a bit of time away and try and finish the picture for this scene instead.

I had to start completely from scratch as well for it, but I made it! That's what counts, right? Don't think it's quite as good as it could be but currently it's just a bit of a rough art month. They happen, so hopefully some smoother paintings will follow.

Also I guess the reveal for the design of the main character of the VN. Keeping him pretty plain, but trying to still have him interesting looking. And white's a colour scheme I haven't used for any other character yet, so that works out too.




As always, amazingly beautiful. It is frightening how great your work is


The mood of this is delightfully charming. Also, as a some-time sailor, I appreciate all the nautical details.


Really loved the atmosphere of this scene, stunning work as always!