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Hey hey everyone!

With a new month comes the next update for the Conway game! As mentioned before, this is a lighter update as this month focused on me working on other jobs. But we still got a few things here and there. Wolf got his proper graphics, we got some new UI for the game screen and just some little tweaks and fixes to the text.

So if you've played it before, there's unfortunately no new story to it, but I just didn't have the time to commit to that. Update 4 should hopefully be a bigger one again though as May is fully dedicated to the game again! My rough plans as of May 1st you've already seen in the other post from recently.

But in any case, I hope you enjoy what's there even if it's a light update! Quite happy with the UI for the text box honestly, so if nothing else give that a quick glance! Immediately gives it a much nicer feeling than the basic black box.
Since everyone'll be looking at that screen a whole lot it felt like a good idea to polish that up a bit. :D

And of course, thank you so so much for your ongoing support! You all are the best.



Update 3 crashes on the PC version because the game can't find the file for the name of the ship. File "C:\Users\XXXXXX\Desktop\Conway-3-pc\renpy\text\font.py", line 658, in load_face raise Exception("Could not find font {0!r}.".format(orig_fn)) Exception: Could not find font 'Imperator Bold.ttf'.


Alright, the investigation done, and ...I've honestly no idea why it crashes for you. It doesn't for me, and the font is present in the game folder. So i've just tossed out that instance of bold font because honestly couldn't give a damn if it's bolded or not. :'D New files are up so hopefully that should be sorted for you.


It stops at a point where paths converge. So it's the same for all of them, but it's still super early, so none are far along. :)