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Hey everyone!

So, April is over and with it my little "break" of sorts where I had to stock up a little bit of a budget again so that i can dedicate May fully to VN work again. So with that work sometimes being somewhat more obscure than just commission painting after commission painting I feel like it's a good idea to give you all a bit of an idea for what the plan is for May.

First off, this Patreon did see a decent amount of growth throughout april actually. About 10%, which is pretty great to see! My patreon never was a major thing, and only provided supplemental value to the art i am creating. So any movement in terms of subscriber numbers was always pretty slow  (as should be evident that it took from 2018 til now to cross 100 subs.
With the initial release of Conway I mentioned that I'd reassess things 3 months down the line and well, it's simply a case where it isn't quite clear yet. That increase is good (and thank you very much to both every new here and the old ears!), but it's not quite what's needed for me to justify committing fully to it.
So with May being another month i can justify chucking all my time into the game, and v2 of it releasing publically I have my fingers crossed that it'll see another noticeable jump to continue the trend.

Then, what will be done in May?
The plan is for May to be a bit of an art-focused month Conway-wise. The game is planned with 6 main dateable characters, and so far we got the art done for 3 of them. Rajeeyah, Wolf and Samuel.
Leaving 3 more to be done: Nomax, Julian and Arthur.
I do want to get at least 2 of them sorted out, ideally all 3, but that'll depend on how much time i've got.
Beyond that I also want to finish one art scene that's already in the game, but just hasn't gotten any art yet, and also potentially the art for the Main Menu screen.
That last one will probably be a more simplistic image, but we'll see what works.
And of course with it just a bit of a redesign of that main menu UI.

That art will be my main focus, and whatever time remains will be used for more writing to continue things along a little bit.

And i think that's roughly it?
So if all goes well we'll end up with 3 characters and 2 paintings + some writing or other little tidbit things.

Might be a bit tough with the time i have, as i will have a visitor staying over for a few days, which of course means no work during those days, but let's just assume it'll be doable!

Thank you very much if you read it all and of course for your continued support! Really means a lot!



We get to date Nomax?!