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Maybe not the most interesting Patreon post, tbh. But it's an idea I've wanted to try.
Since it's a solo project, the whole thing about getting feedback feels like the hardest to do.

So I've made a little feedback box specifically for the Conway game: https://forms.gle/9LJVSzcog9dwVQgs8

Got some friends of course who help along here and there, but I just can't bet on them not just being polite, and I can't burden them all the time to read through all the stuff I write for the game.

So I wanted to get up an anonymous feedback box, where basically anyone can chuck in whatever they think of it, or if there's a specific error they spot, or whatever it may be. And of course, all of that without the influence of potentially having to deal with me actually getting back to them and the pressure that brings with it. I feel that's often holding the kindest among you back. Just wanting to be polite!

So! The test run is here on Patreon with you all. If you've played it and want to give some thoughts on it, then you can now do so by following the link here:


Thank you very very much for your time if you do so!

It really is tremendously valuable to me, and I can't thank you enough!


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