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Hey everyone!
Initially I wanted to wait a little bit longer with this but i think it might actually be a good time to put this out here, both to get some initial impressions, and give me some time to adjust course for the remaining 11 days of my January break.

So yeah! This is SUPER early. The earliest of early.
The whole visual part is basically non-existent yet aside from placeholders, and length clocks in at a little under 6k words i think (hard to measure with the scripting being copied into a document as well)

But yeah, I am not the biggest VN fan chasing after everything on the market, but I do really enjoy them whenever one just hits the right spot for me.
I've always wanted, and Nomax specifically was made for it (that's why he technically has 3 different canon versions, one to represent me, the 19th century one for specific storytelling, and the tribal one for a more broad free-for-all storytelling) but I never really gotten to it. In the i believe almost 7 years he existed now i've got one story trade with a friend, one abandoned story, and just a lot of being too tired to write after work.
Tested the water with something more visual and started one or two comic projects that never made it out to the public either because comics are goddamn difficult...

Sooooo. Visual Novel. Why?
Well, like I said i quite enjoy them. More than I enjoy just reading regular fiction books or comics. The feeling of being more directly connected to the characters as they interact with you and learning about them.
It makes sense to rather try and do something in a medium you actually enjoy, doesn't it?
Add to that that it pretty naturally fuses what i want to do, as in writing, and what i already do, making art, in a pretty natural way, so that seems like it would be rather adventageous as well.
And then thirdly, it also is a format that (potentially) lends itself to the way I earn money. Writing a novel especially is just a lot of upfront time investment where only after writing it fully it will really have the possibility to bring in a return. Which unfortunately just isn't really doable for me to make space for that with what my income is.
Visual novels on the other hand appear to integrate much more smoothly into what I already do. Patreon. I can update it as i go along, and adjust as the situation develops. Well people enjoying the VN and supporting the development by subbing? Well more time can be put in.
Is it not making a splash? Then i can just scale it down, nip away on it and there when time allows.

So yeah, i don't have a full proper plan for it just yet (if you play it you'll clearly see that it's not yet in at least a presentable state) but that is where patreon excells as well. Here i can just dump this thing on you and I can sit safely in the knowledge that you all get that it is early and messy, and that you WANT the messy sketches and experimentation.

(Of course it will be NSFW, though no scenes in yet.)

That's where you come in.
Let me tell you, one thing that i discovered that is really tough to tell doing a visual novel is if the things is even bloody alright! Not exactly as easy as a painting where you just look at it and go "yay" or "nah". The friends i gave it to to test it so far seemed to enjoy it but yeah.

I want to hear your opinions!

How are you enjoying it so far? Interesting or boring? Pacing too rushed or too slow? Characters interesting or not?
it is a project you are interested in in the first place?

I'd really appreciate if you took the time to let me know your thoughts!

The game you can find in the attached files. Just downlod, unzip and run the application. The current end is at the dinner choice.

(And dear lord, you can't imagine how nervous i am to actually publish this thing here. Writing feels just so much more intimate somehow. Couple that with fear of failure and hoh boy. Still though, do give me honest thoughts.)



I hope the inflated-Nomax placeholder picture made it in :D


The horse sketch is the antithesis of your art. It made me laugh! It IS a project I am interested in. No, I dont think the characters are boring or that the pace is too slow. I AM interested in seeing what the art will be, and how often it will change, and what the characters will look like. In short, I think this is a project that I will enjoy seeing as it progresses. I THINK it is a project that I would like to see taking up the majority of your time, as opposed to fitting it in between works that you do otherwise. Good luck with comments!


I think the VN should be named The First of the Chocolate Cake


Thank you very very much for your input Sun! Yes, the character "art" seems to be one of the favourite things so far from everyone who played so i might have to keep them in via some option or cheat code or something after they get replaced with the proper art.


I look forward to giving this a try! Congrats on the release, even as "early" as it is (6k words!); I know that feeling of sharing something you've written and the vulnerability it can elicit haha. I'm also curious, what are some other visual novels you've enjoyed? I'm always looking to add more to my list :)


Thank you for giving it a try and i'd love to hear what you think so far! And honestly most you probably know as it's the usual candidates. That one with the three cat god entities that was really big a few years ago where the name escapes me now. Dawn Chorus seems promising, as does Shelter. Like probably pretty surface level furry stuff.


That first one sounds like Nekojishi? Haven't gotten around to it haha. And I'll keep an eye out for the other two, thank you! I just finished the novel, so while it's fresh in my mind, I'll say I thought it was good! The pacing seemed fine to me; I like something a little lengthier, and the descriptions of the town and ship really worked for me and helped ground the world, plus I'm a fan of the setting. There's enough to the characters (except maybe Arthur) that I'm curious to get to know more about them. And there were some typos here-and-there, but nothing egregious. It's of course in an early state, so not a big deal. So yes, enjoyed it overall! And hope there will be more in the future :)


That's the one, yes! And yes, Arthur in general will just be a bit of a tough one to write and a slower start than the others simply due to his position. Don't really want to make it it too bold-countery with the historical accuracy (for my own sanity in terms of researching it all too), but in general the higher up officers didn't really intermingle much with the lower rank of the crew to avoid discipline issues if they get too close. So just can't have him be too available at the beginning. Will be tough to have that develop naturally, but we'll see how it goes! Certainly the one i feel will be the toughest to do of the bunch because of that. And yeah, typos, stuff like the tenses being screwed and general copywriting to fix some phrasing will be the biggest issue. Just bound to be that as a non-native english speaker i'll be combating mistakes left right and center. But hopefully that's stuff i can figure out.


I haven't gotten much into vns myself yet BUT I'd be hella excited to support and see what you create! And being your stuff it already would have enough initial draw to get me into it, which is p much the only reason I haven't started reading through any others myself yet


Also I love seeing friends/peeps character and world building stuff come together hhh


Thank you very much! Yeah hopefully it'd be a fun time for you, and plenty of art in there too then hopefully to cover that base too if nothing else. :D