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We had a mammal, a bird, and now ticking off the reptile category with a komodo dragon.

Not super happy with this one tbh. Saved it beyond what i thought it would be but still not really hitting the mark. Had to scrub the whole painting once at some point after WIP2 and start new. Good to figure out how that works though and what to expect when you have to scrub all of it.

All in all this one feels overworked in some places, underworked in others and it just feels a bit wishy washy. Makes sense i guess as i wasn't fully there for it after having to scrub it. But yeah, it's not a trashfire or anything, just not quite where i wanted it to be.




Still cool, and an important part of the learning process of course ouo Always love the puppy face some reptiles have


It is Dumb Scalie!


Yeah, exactly. And also just cool that you can scrub all of it if you need compared to something more permanent like watercolour. But i guess watercolour does have the cheaper paper, so it's not quite as much of a loss when you have to chuck a sheet of it.


Just on the lookout to where one might best be a lil dumb!