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Hey everyone.
New year, new month, new vote. This sketch i'll try to do in oils at some point during the month and it honestly might be a total travesty.

i figured being indulgent and offering only suggestions with Nomax would be fun, but now that i'm actually thinking about full character pictures it might be quite troublesome. WE shall see i guess, maybe it'll be a trashfire.

But yeah, it's january or more like...Naughtyanuary? So it's all porn-ish.  Again, indulgent here because why the flop not! Or as indulgent as the suggestions let it be at least.

Multiple choice allowed.



oooo frisky wild doggo boi<3


I do very much enjoy how the second option is phrased.


Tough one. I think I'm inclined to go full perv today, and yes, the world does need that!


Gonna have to join the majority here. The last would be nice, too, but the second has my tongue hanging out...


It actually is part of a longer text. I just ended up cutting out all the things that aren't vital to the suggestion. But in general i try to keep whatever phrasing the suggestion came with.