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Whelp, let's see how that experiment will turn out. Figured it's best if i pre-buy stuff before the new year if i actually want to get things started immediately, so here we go. Over 400 bucks worth of stuff to get the oil painting idea rolling.
i tried to figure out the basics needed but i'm sure i'll quickly discover that i didn't think of SOMETHING. But hopefully i've been thorough enough in my research that it'll just be quality-of-life things at this point.

Also thank you for my big monitor box for serving as a table for the palette. Great height for it and nice and stable too.

I do hope it works out well. I really wanted the watercolours to work, but idk, they're so different from how i think about painting, and i wanted to use them in ways that probably didn't exactly make it easier on myself that it just got a little frustrating.
Let's see how oils go. In theory that should be an easier transition and a medium that should work better for just the style of painting i do anyway.

Fingers crossed!




REALLY looking forward to seeing the results. From what I see, your style lends itself to oils. The bad part is that it takes so much longer to produce...

pictuspixels (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 10:14:34 Hope you have fun with it fam!<3 V curious to see whatcha make~
2022-12-30 16:47:18 Hope you have fun with it fam!<3 V curious to see whatcha make~

Hope you have fun with it fam!<3 V curious to see whatcha make~


Yeah, at least in theory it should, but digital just has so many of it's very own things that i assume it'll probably be more difficult than it "should". But we shall see. Can only see how it works out by attempting it. Maybe it'll be great, maybe it'll be a trashfire!


Well, if it's a trash fire, the oils will provide quite the fuel for it. And... I think what will happen is that you will just go slower than digitally. I think the up side is if someone commissions you, there will be an actual work of art to show, and most of your stuff you can show to your mom.


Yeah that is the hope at least. I mean digital is wonderfully convenient, but there just is something fun about having a tactile thing you can touch. Plus of course just the interaction of the paint that is hard to mimic in digital at this stage.


I've never tried oils myself, but I'm sure with enough patience you'll manage to get something good out of them! Just be sure to use them somewhere well ventilated.