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Oops, forgot that these poll things always go out on the 5th. 5th...7th... basically same thing.

This time around i'm feeling something with Nomax in it, so let's go with some of those suggestions this time around.

Little bit shorter runtime as it still ends on the 10th, but i'm sure you all will manage to get a vote in.



I get the feeling more butts will likely win most of the time.


I like the Nomax butt (and may have even submitted it), but I guess I have to vote for the Alden one. Not sure who submitted it, though.


Possibly. I just toss in what gets submitted and it is pretty close by the looks of it.


If I submitted it then I forgot. I need to keep track of everything I submit perhaps.


Meditation piece sounds pretty but.. good wild doggo butt is too good to pass up u////u


Honestly all three sound good, would love to see some of each over time hhgh I know there have to be winners and losers bc there's only so many opportunities but still aaaa


I agree in that I would like to vote for both. If I had to make a choice, though, I am afraid that Nomax butt would have to come first.


Can you see who sends in the submissions?


Yeah, wouldn't be as fun if everything just gets drawn!


Oh, right, I sent something in about ticks quite a while back and you blamed Ludd


Actually the more I think about it, the more it seems that I sent in all three. I started with three (including a Nomax butt one that I sent after you posted the Sketch with Rory). Then after you wouldn't make stickers of meditating Nomax I thought I might at least get a sketch. I might have thrown in the self-reference as a joke since I tend to always submit at least 2-3 ideas --so you never have an excuse to stop! ;-) But of course, Nomax butt is popular so others might also have sent in requests for it UwU


There only was one nomax butt request, so must have been yours.


I am shocked that more people do not request Nomax butt OwO