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Hey everyone!
Deciding to try a little change here, where rather than doing the "upcoming paintings" section in the bigger content packs i'm thinking maybe i should just toss some WIP things on here as i go along with the picture?

It's honestly always a weird balance to find with how often i should post things here.  Like i don't want to do too little, but also not too much for fear of these notifications you're getting appearing annoying... it's weird.

But i guess maybe getting some WIP shots as paintings happen might be fun and could be more relevant than having it only appear in the two scheduled packs?
We'll see.

For now, here is a sketch for a painting for Airlea, little bit of a character design that then will probably appear in a more elaborate painting as well. Thios one will get fully finished as well, so two seperate paintings essentially.
Plus i get to paint some metal. Fun fun! (Hopefully. There's always the risk of it being stubborn and being a pain in the bum! But i'm pretty happy where it's at already in the sketch here, so fingers crossed.)

(Also naming these WIP uploads will be tough. The name of a painting is the very last thing i do, usually only once i upload the early-bird on here. So might really just be a number ticking up with each WIP.)




If it helps at all, the notifications don't make me go "Damn, not another notif", they make me go "Oooo new art lemme see 👀". Nice work as always!


Yeah, i should assume that is the case for most. But as always it invites to overthinking... Good to hear though!


Personally, I like seeing the WIPs. It DOES make it tough that you dont have a name for the piece when you post, but I'd rather see the art than have a completed name. On the art side, it is nice to see armor. It is even nicer when the armor all rather belongs together. I get so tired of movies that show the 'best of 500 years of armor'. When it all somewhat goes together, it makes a difference.


This, from someone who spent a trip to Europe in the late 80's in the Waffensammlung in Vienna, the Wallace in London, and a trip into the Museum in Munchen. I loved it...


Yeah, naming stuff is hard... Especially after such a long time. FA says i've got 502 submissions, not all of them art of course but probably 470 or so are art pieces. At some point you've just used all the names and coming up with new ones is tough. ESPECIALLY so for a painting like this, that doesn't really have much going on aside from simply being there to show off the character. But then again it's a work in progress, so i guess the name isn't as important yet anyway. The name is just a work in progress as well!


I think you should temporarily number them as: Chocolate cake 2, Chocolate cake 3. etc.


More seriously, have you considered asking the people commissioning you if they have a thought for a name. (My answer would be no and I would punt the naming back to you, but some might be more decisive)


Well they often don't really know the picture too after all, so i doubt they'll necessarily have a name for it either. Also just another thing i'd have to do that i can't be bothered with tbh. Or well, another thing for a format that i don't think carries much weight ultimately? I mean they are just work in progress shots. If you get some notification with a WIP in front then you know it'll be one of those. Not sure if the name is really gonna be that important there.


Would defs be cool to see pieces come together over time, I'm down for it~