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Hey everyone, i hope you are having a good day!

So just some refining again to the method of how these votes work. From now on we'll have a proper split between ideas that do and don't involve Nomax. Someone brought that up and it sounded like a good idea to even things out a bit. So depending on how the current load of vote options look it'll probably be a back and forth with one month being options with my character and the other one being ones without.
And since last time out it was a Nomax sketch we'll do a month without this time around.

Also someone submitted idea was an MLP themed sketch, and apologies there but i'm about as far away from MLP as can be. It's not really an artstyle i can do well, nor do i personally have much interest in trying. So so that whoever you are, you aren't wondering why it's not cropping up in those votes at some point.
I mean these sketches are meant to give you input and toss in options i wouldn't otherwise have done, but try to keep it in the general realm of what i am actually good at. :')

Same with another idea of a Jigglypuff that looks like Peter Lorre. I wouldn't even know where to start with this one, sorry.

Try to not get toooooo weird with the suggestions. I've got a general area my paintings and drawings fall into, and straying too far from that just ends up with me not knowing how to even attempt that idea. MLP or merging pokemon with real humans is just not my field of expertise and would be neither fun for me to draw, nor would the outcome be interesting for you.

And with all that out of the way, here are the options!



Pretty bird pretty bird!


Wasn't sure whether porcupines fell into your wheelhouse, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. I do also like the Mastiff, Shibari


Yeah, it's more about style wise than species wise. Of course there are species i'm more and some i am less familiar with, but technically i can draw (or get to a point where i can draw) all of them.