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i'm hard at work on the new de-fuser plus a whole bunch of other content. give aways will be down shortly as well. in the meantime, here's one of the biggest villains we'll meet in the story; major sabbatha

a former captain in the BCPD, she and Feng XI worked together on operation; Blue hydra, a dangerous series of missions to retake the northern part of the city ravaged by gangs and mutant menaces. the op was brilliantly executed and was mere hours from victory before Sabbatha and the forces under her command (nearly half of the PD) turned their guns on their brothers and sisters.

chasing them back, she regained control of the northern sector and established a brutal dictatorship. she has reopened weapons and armament factories through the captured slave labor of the gangs and dwindling citizenry. the only saving grace for the southern sector is the absence of the SPEAR program, which has become her ultimate priority. she has sent out teams to kidnap scientists, hijack chemical components, steal technologies to  unlock the secrets of their creation.

it's greatly hypothesized that should she gain a functioning SPEAR program for her army, it will spark a second war that will spell the very end of the city




Sounds like there's about to be a ton of action coming up.