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ok i know it's not one of the girls but lets shine a little light on our protagonist. a runaway since the age of 6, Gary has survived the mean streets of the city before being of age to enroll in the cities police service. his strong commitment to the safety of the city and it's citizens has made him a valuable asset to the department.

Gary IS indeed a graduate of the cities SPEAR (Special Patrol Enforcement And Rescue) program, the toughest and feared sector of the PD, making him a formidable adversary to all evildoers. after awhile in the sector, he transferred to be a De-fuser, the depts detective agency geared to investigating and hunting mutant menaces

though surrounded by loved ones, Gary suffers debilitating mental illness; PTSD, flashbacks, depression, and insomnia keep him from truly connecting to others but will throw himself into any fray, any fire for their survival, casting his own life aside.

I'm REALLY enjoying this more intricate cross hatching and shading style; captures that dark comic book style I adore! what do you guys thunk? I wanna contiune putting the Defuser into this style. a little more practice and I think it'll be killer!
