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hey guys! wanted to ring in cuz it's been awhile and didnt wanna just chime in with simple text and get you riled up for nothing. (dont really have a name for them yet but i'm sure it will be something dumb. i've never been good at naming charcters lol)

first off, i'm doin ok. ive had time to console with family and go through our appropriate grieving steps; some crying, some drinking, playing lots of fallout, watching tiger king more than any sane person or hodunk white trash such as myself should ever allow and i'm feeling almost like my old self. ive had great support from my wife and definetely from some of you that have been inboxing me with condolences and just idle chit chattin. I couldnt thank you enough for being such wonderful people.

anyway, back to the show; i HAVE been working on new material and i'm about finished inking the 13-14 page sequel to "vore milfs of the apocalypse" which is in the coloring and detail stage and I'll be dropping that hopefully before the week is over and afterwards, we'll kick off a give away so be on the lookout!

again thank you guys for being patient and being some wonderfully supportive people. my family and I appreciate it beyond what could be said.

stay fuckin brutal \m/




Looks like a carol


Awesome 👍