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I was informed yesterday that my step mother passed away after 8 years of battling breast cancer. this is definetly sad news for me as she was one of the sweetest people I ever got to know. i'm more concerned about my dad cuz he had been by her side the whole time but he wants us to start hanging out again which I'm all about so there's some silver lining.

I'm gonna contiune to post what I can. I do have another KULTRA update on the way, issue 3 of De-fuser is being worked on and I'm wanting to continue another installment of vore milfs of the apocalypse. I'll try to get a give away set up sometime around the middle of the month; i may not do as many ( maybe 2 people will get one) but its mainly because of time.

thank you all for supporting as usual, those of you in higher tiers are fucking outstanding individuals. and definetly thank you to those of you who have privately inboxed me with your condolences. I'm beyond blessed to know alot of you awesome motherfuckers.

stay fuckin brutal \m/



My sincerest condolences, I wish you well.


You are a great artist 0///0 I can only hope the best luck to you!!!


You have my deepest condolences. Stay well, stay safe, and I'll hope for nothing but the best for you and your family