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An Early Start

Starting early today! It should be a fun one, I think. Interesting at least.

I just got out of the bath. See this look on my face? It is the look of relaxation! But a soak in the hot water can last only so long…

So, here I am sitting, wrapped in this towel, and I feel like I need to make a confession… When you see me in all those pretty bras… Well, it's usually a LIE. I put them on so I can take a picture that everyone will consider appropriate! So, when this towel comes off (today, I won’t show anyone that), My shirt is going straight on!

Now, the nightgowns, jammies, and lingerie… That’s real. I sometimes sleep in those!

Okay, on with the plan!

The big event today is a beach photo session up north in Racine. Izzy is doing a promo for a line of swimwear, and I get to tag along. The rep from the swimwear company says it will be a few pictures and then walking along the beach handing out koozies for drink cans and sunscreen with the company logo on it.

That’s in the morning, so we gotta get moving… which is why I got up early.

After the photo session, I have pretty much an off day. I’m going to just take my time, pick up some brochures, and look around the area.

Meanwhile, Sasha has a meeting with the baseball team. She wants to have an awareness night where they show some short video packages about Humanitarian Housing and the people they’ve helped.

Getting the word out, 40,000 people at a time!

Okay, see you on the beach!

Racine North Beach

We made it in plenty of time. The sun is well up into the sky and people are making their way to Racine’s North Beach. It should be a great day!

Izzy and I need to get on down there and find the rep from the swimwear company. Like I said earlier, she’s got some pics to have taken, then we’ll just mingle on the beach.

How about it? Would you like to feel the sand between your toes?

Beyond The Beach, Down The Shore

After the photo session and our time on the beach, Izzy head back to Chicago where she is to appear at a fitness center. Her agent is keeping her busy!

I, on the other hand, put on my jeans and a t-shirt and started exploring. I thought this view was interesting enough… even though there wasn’t a freight ship or anything else to show you!

It’s such a great day… And it’s days like this that I sometimes have those thoughts that my life as a digital content creator is a life alone. I love what I do, but I’m always on the go!

It’s been nice to have some people, lately, working with me. I guess, when it comes right down to it, we are all created to be in relationship with other people, even if it is digital and/or long-distance.

Well… moving on…

I picked up an interesting brochure. I guess not many people will be surprised that there’s a cheese factory around here, about 90 miles from Kenosha. Cheddar anyone?

Wisconsin Cheese

I’m about 90 miles from Kenosha at a cheese factory in Theresa, Wisconsin that gives tours. Cheese!

I stopped to take this picture, but there was so much to see I didn’t want to miss anything. The whole process is actually like a science project!

Cheese is made by curdling milk using a combination of bacteria and enzymes. So, yeah… bacteria! Must be the “good kind”! The curds are then separated from the whey and pressed into molds to shape the cheese. Then it gets aged to develop its flavor and texture.

I had a blast on the tour and learned a lot, but it’s been a long day… a long week, actually. Time to head back.

I’ll check in with you at bedtime!

The End Of Another Day

Well, another day, another entry in the diary!

I’m having a great time sharing my days with you, but I should tell you some days will be shorter than others! It’s a lot of work, and the storylines are getting short-changed in the process.

I really hope some of you readers are taking in all of the action in them. I think the storylines are my favorite part of my content! Leave me a comment if you have time!

Tomorrow should be a nice day. Izzy and I are heading to Milwaukee for another baseball game. Other than that, I’ll be doing the usual. I hope to get in some bikini time somewhere!

For now, I’ll call it a night!

{{{{ FIN }}}}}

  • Whereas this storyline is fictional and includes NSFW content, the agencies and teams in this story are also fictional, though they might remind readers of real organizations.

  • Please remember that Ailana Geven is an AI model, a character whose story is presented in first person.

  • Please remember that Izzy Duffy is an AI model, a character in Ailana's story.

  • Please remember that Sasha Baek is an AI model, a character in Ailana's story.


Ailana Geven dries off after a bath.
Ailana Geven and Izzy Duffy are on their way to the beach.
Ailana Geven poses on the shore of Lake Michigan.
Ailana Geven stands in a cheese factory.
Ailana Geven calls it a day.


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