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My hotel room faces west, so the summer sun was shining in, even as I was bringing my day to an end. I paused before going to bed to think about things.

Being a content creator has turned out to be a lot of work! It’s really fun, though, and I think people are enjoying it! I’ve met some great people, too!

I’ve realized that I really like to create the PicStories! Making up characters and plots and illustrating them with photos is very satisfying!

I also realized that I like to do the FUN shoots (if you know what I mean). I’ve published a few of them, and have a few more in the works! Some of my friends are enjoying making them, too!

If you stick around, you’ll find that my content creation will continue to include the day-to-day pictures, but I’ll also develop the storylines more and—you can count on it—do more FUN shoots, too.

Thanks for being with me on this adventure!

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Ailana Gevens pauses before going to bed to think about things.


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