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At least I’m off the bench…

Laylana had an assignment deep in Afghanistan to get some ground-view pictures of a new Taliban facility just outside Mah-e Now, a little more than a kilometer east of Padkinov, Tajikistan.

The facility was suspected of weapon manufacturing, possibly rocket-propelled chemical weapons, possibly to be deployed against Tajikistan targets. The USA did not want to risk an international incident using a drone in the event it was detected in Afghan airspace. Boots on the ground, they thought, could be explained as military advisors who strayed into the wrong area.

“So, agent Vals,” Corporal Mattox said as he and the others in the Green Beret recon squad marched with her from the dropzone toward the target, “why are you here? No offense, ma’am, but we’ll be snapping the same pictures you’re gonna snap. What’s the point?”

Things with the CIA were still a mess. Her handler, Mason Graham, knew she wanted back in the field, back on duty, back in good standing with the agency. A mission came up and was assigned to Laylana by Deputy Assistant Director Cal Davis, so Mason put it together and deployed her. 

“Same as you, Corporal…” Laylana replied. “I’m following orders.”

Mattox smiled and nodded. “Fair enough… Fair enough…”

Douglas, the squad’s sergeant, looked over the group and nodded toward the east. “Okay, orders say we got some pics to snap. Keep sharp… we don’t want to end up in the news. This is recon, only.”


“Why Are You Here?” is part of the Secrets Of The World storyline. 


Laylana stands ready to do recon in enemy territory.



Ailana said shoot me