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Even P'Aof said that there was no homophobia in that universe. What Wai did was shitty, but it wasn't outing in THAT way. It was just outing the relationship of two supposed enemies and someone Wai hates. Like, look, Pran my best friend you lied to me for so long. Are we even really friends? See how it feels to be betrayed? Which IS a really shitty thing to do to anyone. Also Jimmy, who plays Wai was told to act as if he was jealous cause he liked Pran. He says this during a reaction to episode 9 I think. That's what P'Aof meant with Wai doing this. (Not everyone agrees. But I listen to the director when it comes to what is going on in the show. LOL)

Sam sam

as much as I understand p'aof saying there's no homophobia in this universe... there's still multiple examples of homophobic microaggressions within the series so I think it'd be really weird to dismiss homophobia as a whole in the universe when discussing it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wai never showed any issues with that. Like in episode 2 with the door gifts. He just hates PAT. I just don't see any homophobic microaggressions. I see other reasons for all the issues.


I donā€™t think Wai exposed them to be homophobic or even because Pat is an engineer and they are supposed to be enemies. I think it was more about him being hurt by the fact that Pran was hiding this huge secret from him. They were supposed to be best friends, and in that moment of hurt, he did something horrible. The first time I watched Bad Buddy, I disliked the character Wai so much because I could not understand how he could do that to his best friends. But after multiple watches and putting myself in Waiā€™s position instead of Pran, and considering the fact that I share a similar personality with Wai, that would be something I would do out of anger and regret later. Davidā€™s love for korn is so wholesome.


Homophobic or not, it was still a shitty thing to do. However I donā€™t think his intentions were to out 2 gay guys, he never showed any signs of being homophobic throughout the drama. To be honest I donā€™t know why exactly he did that, I guess anger makes you do stupid things.


It was a horrible thing to do. I actually didn't like Wai after that. But P'Aof says he didn't want people to hate him he was acting as an emotional friend who felt betrayed.

Sam sam

it's not about WAI specifically, it's about the universe in general. to say the universe doesn't have homophobia is just wrong because they've displayed it multiple times, paa having to explain she isn't against pat being gay (why would she need to clarify if homophobia doesn't exist?) and prans parents bringing it up earlier about pran bringing a boy home and if that's okay with them. I think it's important not to erase those valid criticisms. I love bad buddy but I can still see how that is problematic


Iā€™m so excited for next weeks ep! This ep was wild. On the subject of why Wai did what he did. Iā€™m not saying this is true, but I read a fanfic a while ago that was Wai having an unrequited love for Pran. Iā€™ve seen a few people with this theory and I low key think it matches. That and Wai just has anger issues lol. I was so excited that this reaction came a day early lol. Korn really is the MVP of friends. It was very interesting to see how much stronger Patā€™s friend group is than Pranā€™s. Also to the wifey comment Pat made. In a lot of Thai BLā€™s they use the wifey and hubby term. In most cases itā€™s like a softer way of saying who is the top or bottom in the relationship, or just generally the more submissive I guess. It is kinda strange, but I usually just role with it since it doesnā€™t come up a lot usually. In Bad Buddy and new BLā€™s, some have been trying to phase it out. Usually both parties are ok with it and therefore not really an issue. Itā€™s mostly an issue because it is based on assumptions from looks and mannerisms. Like usually the more ā€œmasculineā€ guy is the hubby and the smaller or cuter, or generally more ā€œfeminineā€ one is the wifey. Obviously looks really have little to nothing to do with it in real life.

Elizabeth Seravello

Hey, isn't the guy from the thumbnail the foreigner in I Feel You Linger In The Air?


This! There's plenty of examples in the show that homophobia is still a thing. Also I'm pretty sure P'Aof also said Wai was a crappy friend, so...


Not La Rosa de Guadalupe! lol. This episode is all over the place, it's one of the weaker episodes imo but it still has so many good moments. the picnic table scene is one of my favorites, so sweet! Korn really is the best friend in all this. Pat's other friends are spineless (love the show's critique of centrism and neutrality), and Pran's friends are the worst! I feel so sorry for Pran, but I do love how happy he was once his friends were cool with him again. I don't hate Wai, but I'm not gonna defend him either; can we talk about how he got Pat shot?!


i haven't seen the show but i know he's in it. does he have a big role? i was thinking of watching it for him. he also recently won Mr. International or some competition like that


Drake (the actor that plays Korn) has a more prominent role in 2gether and Still 2gether. Itā€™s a popular cute fluffy BL series. A lot of the BLs that have been recommended to you are by GMMTV so the more shows you watch you will start to see a lot of the same actors.

Elizabeth Seravello

It feels kinda weird watching Jimmy(Wai) in this being all pouty and annoying and dislikeable after watching his new show Last Twilight. I guess that just shows he's a good actor


Jimmy (Wai) is such a great actor seeing him here being all poutty and being a petty friend is so wired,after watching him in other dramas being such a great friend in EnchantĆØ and a great boyfriend in vice-versa And for Drake he went from an annoying ass in 2gether and Still2gether to a loveble dork in bad buddy Both actors are amazing, hope you get to watch these and other Bl's even on your own time. omg the roller-coaster of craziness in this episode can't wait til next episode thanks again, take care peaceāœŒļøšŸ«°šŸ«°


I like how concerned/ shocked both of you were once the gun appearedšŸ˜‚. I cant wait until yall see the reason for the family rivalry.

Sam sam

let's hope I'm not too late šŸ˜¼ !! I loved this reaction so much, the gun appearance shocked me so much when I first watched this episode. there's actually quite a lot of issues revolving gun violence and police brutality in Thailand and I feel like the whole situation portrayed here was in reference to that - highlighting the systematic issues , which I think is really important to do even in this kinda lighthearted series. also I'm rewatching both kinnporsche and my school president right now to refresh my headspace and if kinnporsche wins you're going to need a lot of disclaimers and content warnings ! just so everyone s ready and feels comfortable :-) anyway love u guys thank you for all u do !!!!