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Elizabeth Seravello

god i love the end of this episode, such great acting! It reminds me I need to watch more stuff with Ohm and Nanon in it damn. (Sidenote for fans: Is anybody else intrigued by Kidnap? cause I am) ALSO, YES PLS WATCH ONLY FRIENDS!!!


Definitely intrigued by Kidnapped! The trailer didnā€™t sell me but after seeing Ohm & Leng, the chemistry looks promising šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


Such a good episode. We finally get to see pat realise his feelings. Also, their kiss scenes are so amazing. They manage to put so much passion and desperation into it. You can see how much they care for each other. But the contrast between pats elation and prans sadness adds another layer to it. There is so much to it. Can't wait for the next ep. Since the warp effect was mentioned, im taking my chance to do a PSA. The Warp Effect was my favourite show overall from last year its really amazing. I didn't mention it because I feel its underrated, which sucks. So, people, if you haven't watched please do, I love it so much. For anyone interested, in a grossly summarised explanation, it kind of gives the vibes of "sex education" plus time travel. Plus, I love the actors in this series, top-notch. Also "She wants ink to be her big sister" IM CRYING.


I really enjoyed the warped effect also! Iā€™m also shocked more people donā€™t talk about it, especially because it started New.


The second part of the show that people mentioned is in the series Our Sky 2. Our Sky is a series made up of multiple GMMTV BLs, with a couple episodes dedicated to each show. The Bad Buddy episodes are combined with the series Tale of a Thousand Stars, which is another amazing show that I really think you would like. It stars Earth and Mix, who are one of the most popular GMMTV ships, they have done 3 shows together. I really think you guys would love it.

Krysta Nguyen

Yes, you should react to the behind the scenes of the episodes their convo with eachother is great. The two main actors were already friends for 5years prior to this show it makes their chemistry to die for. Also if you like bad buddy you'll like Gameboys (Philippines bl) and We best love (Taiwan bl). Not me is good too the plot is great. The bl is a bit subverted and takes the back seat as the plot is the main focus instead of just the romance like other bls I still love it for the ship Offgun and it helps give variety to the bl genre šŸ„°.

Terra Suttill

I love the ending scene for this episode so much, as it really show their characters personalities so well. Pat is so happy in the moment that he just loses himself in the new emotions. Meanwhile Pran is much more grounded, knowing that their familial situation makes what just happened (in his mind at least) impossible. You can see it so well in their facial expressions. This is one of my comfort shows so I really love having an excuse to rewatch it. It brakes a lot of tropes that you will probably see if you keep watching bl, which I enjoyed. Also, for further viewing I also would suggest Not me, manner of death, only friends, Kinnporsche, and the eclipse in that order. And for not bl Thai shows, the gifted is also really good.

Krysta Nguyen

Also when you guys finish the behind the scenes and the our sky 2eps you guys should watch the concert of bad buddy where ohmnanon are in character as Pat and Pran (so are the rest of the cast wai and korn) and sing and dance. After they give a tearful speech since the bl show just finished and emotions were running high. Also since you guys are also music reactors I would love to see what you guys think of the performances.


I loved this reaction to the kiss; I cracked up at the kdramas need to learn from their kiss. I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but there is a deeper meaning to the end after their kiss. You can kind of see their personality with their reaction to the kiss. Pat is a free-spirited person and lives in the moment. He was happy that his feelings were reciprocated and had no thoughts for the future. On the other hand, Pran worries a lot about everything, and all he could think about in that moment was all the obstacles they would have to overcome just to be together. That was why he was not able to be happy and walked away.


The ending is so emotionally intense šŸ˜­ from the fight scene to the very end when Pran walks away šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. Canā€™t wait for next weekā€™s episode. Also want to add My School President & Moonlight Chicken (both Thai shows from this year) to the list of must watch. And as someone else mentioned, We Best Love - which is probably my favourite Taiwanese BL!


The warp effect was a great show. To think that I almost did not watch it, but decided to because of all the YouTube shorts I was seeing. Best decision I have ever made.


The only problem with that, is where they could find a copy to watch it fully.


The bottle Pran drew is like sweet condensed milk. It was the what they put on the toast. Also I may have made a little edit for Bad Buddy this week. Itā€™s not amazing, I just thought I would share with my fellow BL fans. (Probably donā€™t watch if you havenā€™t finished the series) https://youtu.be/8Gf9fcI62cs?si=5HRQH41B3Yx2lDGI

Madelyn & Kaitlyn

A Tale of a Thousand stars holds a special place in my heart, I was really not expecting the two worlds to collide in our skyy 2

Meruka Hinaru

I cried so much during the kiss. Basically Bad Buddy reminded me of how I had a crush on my best friend (who is also a girl) FOR YEARS but realized it way too late, until I was already an adult. I never told her and I think never will, cause now it's just platonic. Being queer makes things sometimes so confusing to even understand and to deal with, specially back then (in my case) when there was no info on queerness, on sexualities or identities and was never even talked about (the 90s were wild haha) It's kind of sad that I understood who I was until very late in life cause I feel I missed on so much, so I'm glad young people now have more information available and a way to communicate with one another about this stuff, so they can grow up with a little bit better understanding of their feelings, not feeling too out of place or feel the need to dismiss what they feel. At least I was lucky that most of my childhood friends ended up being queer as well, so we all grew up together discovering about ourselves in a safe place and we understand and support each other :') <3 Also, because of this, I think that's why I empathize so much with Pat, because I can LITERALLY feel the struggle he's going thru, it was like a core memory being relived in me LOL My brain when I was young was like "So...you like boys, you've liked boys all your life, that boy is cute, that boy you like is funny, and that boy over ther...WAIT THAT GIRL IS THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE OMG WHAT'S GOING ON?!?! WEREN'T YOU JUST FRIENDS?! BUT SHE'S SO CUTE, LET'S HOLD HANDS PLEASE" and then I empathize with Pran in the sense that I proceeded to have a secret crush on that friend for the next 10 years HAHAHA

Elizabeth Seravello

Also, i mean this kiss was kinda big in the GMMTV shows coming out before this. The kisses in the shows before this one were kinda, you know, not good haha, like two fish pushing their lips together bad. and after this drama it seems that they are finally having their couples kiss WELL

Elizabeth Seravello

Gosh I love Moonlight Chicken so much! Same director as this show too so that just shows how good it is.

Elizabeth Seravello

Same, I almost didn't watch it cause it didn't have the BL label on it, but it truly was just so QUEER and GOOD!

Elizabeth Seravello

We do really end up finding each other, even if we don't know why we connect yet, we find others like us. I'm glad you have that support system :)

Elizabeth Seravello

Right?! listen I know there have been "protests", but this show looks interesting! I'm gonna link the trailer for the guys so they can see what we're talking about. https://youtu.be/T7fN1VZz2jw?si=PeM4NuLhEvUx_1-q

Meruka Hinaru

And we also found out we are all neurodivergent, so it's the whole package ā¤ļø


Exactly! It's such a good show and I love New playing loser characters. He does it so well lol.


Loved this episode so much. The drama, Pat realizing who he really likes, the building tension between Pat and Wai, that kiss at the end. Ugh! Everything is really heating up now and were starting to come to a point in the story where things are going to take a turn and get the juices flowing. Maybe for the best, maybe for the worst, idk you gotta watch to find out lol and just fyi this series has 12 episodes. :) side note I'm hella queer but David is damn hot ngl but I do have a bit of a glasses kink so that could have something to do with it. ANYWAYS MOVING ON LMAO šŸ¤£ Just putting my two cents out there, I know that I'm severely outnumbered in this but honestly for me, KinnPorsche was kinda overhyped for what it is. Like it was good I guess, but a lot of people made it out to seem like it was the best show ever so I watched it and just felt very 'meh' about it. Idk maybe it's more your vibe and you guys will like it. I will still watch your reactions to it, just putting my own opinion of the series out there.


I LOVE THAT LAST SCENE SO MUCH OMG!!!! The emotions are portrayed so beautifully. Itā€™s so tragic cause Pran has liked Pat since high school, but has always pushed him away since he thinks because of their parents it can never be anything real. Especially after being forced to transfer schools, I feel like he understands more than Pat the consequences of their relationship. Pran has entirely convinced himself that he needs to put as much distance between him and Pat so that he doesnā€™t get hurt again. I also think heā€™s rarely dared to hope Pat liked him back. I think in that moment when Pat took the first step in talking, Pran again tried to push away but Pat kept going. Pranā€™s tear to me felt like him both finally having hope that Pat likes him the same way and heartbreak, since because of his parents he canā€™t have something that heā€™s always wanted that might now be possible. I think that for Pran, convincing himself that Pat didnā€™t like him made his crush manageable, because it was impossible either way for him. So I think that when Pat kissed him, Pran realized that he needed to grab for once what heā€™s always wanted so he kissed him back. After when Pat smiles, I think itā€™s cause Patā€™s only thinking of the two of them and that they finally both realized and admitted their feelings sort of. Heā€™s not really looking at the big picture, which I think Pran is. Pran walks away because he let himself have that moment with Pat, but now heā€™s back in reality and understands that there are a lot of problems for them to face. Pran is very logical in this way I think. Anyways, that kind of got away from meā€¦ Sorryā€¦ I could honestly write a dissertation on that scene lol. Also sorry my grammar probably sucks. Iā€™ll stop since reading this probably took forever lol. Iā€™m loving your reactions to this!! I love how much David loves Korn lol! Also you should definitely watch Only Friends, itā€™s so chaotic but so good omg!


I will try not to write a book about this last scene, it's been just PERFECTION. The micro expression of Nannon(Pran), the single tears from both of them, the way it was delivered, the different layers of emotions, it gave me chills. So why does Pran go away while Pat it's giving him a big smile. Pran it's more of a realistic person, he look of the big picture of things and now he's like i have always liked you but how can we be together, our family HATE each other, our friends HATE each other, it's always a matter of life and dead to see each other in front of other people. And what if l got transferred again, l better continue to love you from the affair than not see you at all. And don't forget very recently Pat told Pran that he likes Ink so Pran is probably also thinking is it a joke to you? l will just take my shot for once and go. And we have Pat, he doesn't think too much on thinks. When he realises he likes Pran it was confusing yes ! But the next day he is confessing about the feeling he realizes he has. I will stop there hoping l didn't do too much mistake, English it's not my first language. And about next drama l really hope you will react to KinnPorsche it was my first bl and it's just a Masterpiece. l love your reaction to this and after you should watch behind the scene of badbuddy


I remember that this episode had me in shambles when I watched it the first time. Drew me right in to all their emotions!


I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned in but at the end of the next episode, episode 6 there is an extra scene shown after the end credit scene. Just letting you guys know so you dont miss it!


https://youtu.be/dZvpNreGVOc?si=ibxNgtnrRNDJaGZp here is a link for the trailer for KinnPorsche if you want to check it out.

Sam sam

OKAY Im finally commenting!! sorry I didn't comment last week I was super sick TT SO I gotta just talk about my fave BLs .. My School President, a drama about friendships and growing up and making music and finding yourself :') I Told Sunset About You, the most beautiful drama you'll ever see - seriously the cinematography with the music and acting .. damn. Kieta Hatsukoi, a japanese BL - the cutest and funniest little drama I love it so much :') also thank u guys so much for watching BLs <3 it means a lot to me as a queer little dude who's supported ur kpop stuff for a very long time hehe !! love u guys :)


new subscriber here. love this episode, probably my favorite. you're right with Pran it's one step forward two steps back. BLs I would recommend are My School President, got those Bad Buddy vibes. The Eclipse for a more serious drama, I like it better than Not Me. And if you want more Ohm (Pat) check out He's Coming to Me


is there a way you can put this in separate playlist so it would be easier to watch your others videos

Megan Wall

I have to say though if I was in waiā€™s shoes, heā€™s been bullied by pat and his friends at his job, heā€™s been a very good friend to pran and always trying to keep him safe around pat. He doesnā€™t know Pat and pranā€™s history since pran hasnā€™t told him anything. He must be almost confused because pran is always around pat in some way, and thatā€™s why heā€™s so protective, he doesnā€™t want Pat to bully pran like he did him. But wai definitely has anger issues for sure.