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I haven’t watched secret invasion yet but I’m planning on it. I’m liking season 2 so far! But the thing with these time travel shows is it’s really easy to have plot holes and so easy to get confused so hopefully this one isn’t too bad. I was kinda scared they would leave mobius not knowing who Loki was but so glad the whole thing developing their friendship wasn’t wasted. —— Kevin know that I am desperately trying to read your lips rn 😂 (the audio is a little messed up at the beginning) —— Pruning is such a good metaphor to what happening. Pruning isn’t always done for the health of the plant, sometimes it’s done just for aesthetic purposes. So it plays to that question of is it actually necessary to keep the one branch of the sacred timeline and cut away each of the branches or is just something someone wanted to do. And it’s interesting because pruning a plant usually promotes even more branching and growth. So maybe not pruning will actually mean less branching 🤔 —— Also they’re introducing a new metaphor of t he timelines being like wool/cotton(?) and the temporal loom spins it into one timeline which is the thread?? Not sure this one was a little less straight forward than the pruning branches metaphor. —— That’s the thing, we don’t actually know why branching is bad. I think Kevin is right where the only thing we were told was if there’s alternate timelines than all the alternate Kangs would fight each other to try and control the timeline. Which leads to a multiversal war which is bad. At least so they say. —— I don’t think He Who Remains was Telling the truth. He just so happens to be the one that won and you know what they say about how history is written by the victors. Who knows if what he says is actually true. He who remains has lied very convincingly and yet here we are ready to believe him cause he says the alternative is more horrifying. It’s very effective fear mongering really. —— Do the timelines affect each other?? Cause I don’t see why a branching timeline would affect the other branches/the main branch. It branches off and does its own thing…so wouldn’t that mean the main timeline is also just doing it’s own thing. Whatever happens will still happen it’s just that the other timeline is different somehow but that’s happening in a completely separate time and space. —— Fun fact: mobius (like mobius strip) and ouroboros (the symbol of a snake swallowing it’s own tail) are both tied to infinity.