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Hey guys! ————————————————————— This episode is another favourite of mine. Probably because it kind of hits home with Young Woos situation. Dating is completely new to her. She probably never thought of ever dating. ————————————————————— To get one thing straight: I don’t like the defendant at all. He is a manipulative prick. ————————————————————— The people Junho and Young Woo ran into were college friends of Junho. The girl met them before during the Pengsoo case. She asked Junho if he was volunteering, through which she implied that that would be the most probable reason for the two of them to be walking together. ————————————————————— The situation for Shin Hye-Yeong is very complex. Her mother is probably acting the way she is because she truly loves her daughter and wants to protect her. The daughter should still have the right to try and live a normal life, despite her disability. As Young Woo said, she is a 27-year-old adult , who can make her own decisions. The mom seems to have sheltered her her whole life. And that can’t be good for either of them. Still it’s a tough situation. Can’t really decide how I actually feel about it. It kind of swings from one side to the other. ————————————————————— In the victim statement at the police station Shin Hye-Yeong wrote, what she knew her mother wanted her to write. (That’s how I understood it.) I think her mother should have been removed from the courtroom during her witness testimony. She makes her nervous and she feels guilty going against her mothers will. It is much more complex than that though. Just sharing my thoughts while watching. ————————————————————— Junhos friends annoyed me more than Minwoo in this episode and that’s a high threshold. They don’t even know Young Woo. They saw her once or twice and judge her based on that. Pricks. ————————————————————— I honestly don’t get how he could be found not guilty by majority of the jury and still get a sentencing. That makes no sense to me. ————————————————————— Also: Yay, first kiss!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 P.S.: Tae Sumi still sucks.


I had completely mixed feelings about this case, absolutely hated the defendant though, but also disliked the mom, I disliked the mom because in a way she was just as manipulative as the defendant. I understand wanting to protect her daughter, but the daughter had also stated she knew the guy she was with was not a good guy. I think her scratching her hand was a mixture of her being stressed out by both of them, obviously the guy pressuring her and saying it's not true love, which is disgusting, but she also knew what she did and obviously knew her mom wouldn't approve which is why the poor girl was so stressed out. I didn't like this episode for various reasons honestly. We keep saying that Junho is a green flag and he is. If I'm gonna be honest I did the same thing to a guy I liked just like Young Woo did...just ran off....although I ghosted him in the end though..oopsie. I feel this is an unpopular opinion, I don't hate Tae Sumi, I definitely dislike her, but I dislike CEO Han more.

Duckie Momo

The jury decision is a suggestion, the judge can still do whatever they want based on the evidence presented (though I imagine he may have gotten a harsher sentence if the jury decided he was guilty


Hey guys... ...what an episode. There is a lot to unpack. What I found remarkable was, that Young Woo found her own answers in-between all that mess, that this case was. My mind and heart were kinda pulled from left to right during this trial. I kinda believed the defendant but I kinda didn't at the same time. I felt for the mom and her reasoning and I kinda wanted to punch her in the face. I wanted to protect the alleged victim and I kinda wanted for her to stand her ground on her own. Both of them...the mom and the defendant were pressuring her...no doubt. Both of them should've been removed from the courtroom during her testimony. What I strongly believe tho, is that...yes, the victim might have felt pressured...but honestly, it was her first time (I at least assumed it)...who didn't felt scared during that? But I don't think she felt violated after that. Jun Ho and Young Woo...what a wholesome couple. My favourite scene was the fight scene in that bar. That side of Jun Ho impressed me honestly. I am not a defendant of violance but it was a deserved punch. That kiss was perfect. He knew when to withdraw himself...he felt that Young Woo wasn't ready. He let her decide. Kwon Min Woo...that sneaky prick. He has a very good net work of people and they are all willing to answer his nosy questions. He seems to be a very clever guy...I will give him at least that. Tae Su Mi...weeeeeell. The audacity. Young Woo's father was way too calm for my liking. She was able to say too much crap. Okay guys...have a great weekend. Looking forward to next episode. Love you 💜 💜 P.S. Kevin, you almost nailed the German pronunciation. Oh and a country who nailed it, school wise, in my opinion, would be Sweden. They tried to establish schools like that here in Germany but our German parents aren't ready for this kind of forward thinking school system. They would have to trust their kids, they would kinda loose control over them and let them develop their own interests and independence. What a nightmare to imagine.