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They had fun and Jenny was really nice to them. Namjoon is always dancing with his face...he is still doing that and I think it's still hilarious 😂. It's like he tries with his face to make up for the moves his body can't do. Jimin was a bit pissed or better pumped to revenge his hyungs who got ridiculed. You will see a really pissed Jimin later on. Team Trouble had an advantage but they decided not to take the task seriously. It showed and Jenny wasn't impressed. Jin did such a great job. He is such a hard worker. I just remembered that the other members once said that he works hard in silence and just shows results. He did it here as well. He didn't want to let Hobi down. That was his motivation. That Jenny complimented him was a confidence boost. Hobi is a real dancer. He did such a great job freestyling. I'm glad he got that excitement back that he had when he started dancing. I found this when I looked up musicality: Dance musicality is how dancers hear, interpret, and dance to music. Dancerscan demonstrate dance musicality in several ways – which sounds they choose to dance to, how they highlight the sounds, how they emote the mood of the song Have a great weekend guys 💜💜


So first and foremost... "I didn't push you, you attacked the ground" and "I just wanna see what twerking means... ~As he pauses on the twerking butts~" That is NOT going to hold up in court, Kevin! 😂😂😂 You guys are so funny! Second, okay so this is my favorite episode in AHL because of: 1. Tae's Cuteness. The boy is seriously so adora-bubble it is ridiculous. 2. Jimin's Sass and his whole part during the Dance battle. THE PRECISION! 3. JK asking if the part where he fell is going to be shown- and then the editors replaying it. 4. Kevin's commentary every time the video pauses or an ad played. - SUP. 😂 Once again guys, loved it-loved you! Thank you!


Idk if you guys knew already but they were also preparing/recording the dark & wild album during shooting. It’s also one of my fav episodes, you can tell just how young they are lmao

Nancy Gomez

Finally, my favorite episode! I love the dance battle except of course poor Kookie falling on his backside 😔. And I am still embarrassed for Suga when he bumps his hip into the other guy's privates 😏. I personally like Jimin and RM's dance the best, maybe because they worked and looked so good together or it might just be because I'm Jimin biased 😁. They all did great though. Great job once again guys. Your reactions and commentary are the best!💜💜🤣 Also, it's too bad you guys aren't watching the behind the scenes clips cause those have some really cute and funny moments. I think it's the first one that "Jimin, you got no jams" and J-Hope's 'English speak-u time' came from. Love y'all👋💜


Yoongleschips has entered the chat! ❤❤ This episode was definitely one of my favorite ones. It's fun seeing them do something they are comfortable in and also making their own dance moves! Like how cool is that?! 😍 I especially love how they take some time to relax and enjoy LA, it was really nice~ ❤ Also somethings i want to say... I may or may not be able to support you guys for a bit because I'm actually planning to buy BTS concert tickets with another best friend of mine AND I MOST LIKELY WILL END UP BEING BROKE AF 😭😭 hopefully i won't have to spend all of my money but who am i kidding? That shit always EXPENSIVE BUT WORTH IT 😍😍❤❤❤ so if y'all don't see me for awhile, you know why and I'll miss you guys. Also two things on that note; Are you guys planning on seeing a BTS concert?? 👀👀👀 Anddd.. Idk if you guys thought of it but you guys should open up a Discord or some chatting thing SO WE ALL CAN TALK TOGETHER 😀😀❤❤ some ideas for y'all~ 😉 And to end this, thank you for all of the great content. You guys are funny and amazing 💖💖💖 Love y'all, have a nice day 💜💜💜


AH MY COMMENT WAS DELETED fffffffffffff. The one time I didn't copy it. Lowkey salty rn lol. Okay, well it was basically saying that this is one of the only episodes where I actually get cringey and embarrassed. Like I literally had to skip some parts cause i just get so uncomfortable when Namjoon or Jin are dancing haha. (It's all out of love tho). I try watching the whole thing but i just can't, lol. I get more embarrassed over like, physical stuff (aka namjoon twerking, byE). Are we REALLY surprised Jimin knows how to twerk? Just think about it haha. Yoongi speaking English is very cute. He may understand it the best, but my poor boy has such a thick accent (and small lisp? Idk if you noticed it) that it just comes out adorably, even when he's trying hard. Honestly, all jokes aside, i think Yoongi is a very underrated dancer. People don't speak much of it, cause he's in the middle (not 'horrible' like jin and namjoon but not amazing like hobi or jimin), so people overlook him a bit, but he's very good, especially for someone who didn't plan to be in a dance group. Just watch one of their live performances and look for him and you'll never take your eyes off of him. Sadly he gets hidden behind hobi or Namjoon, cause he's so tiny, but he's there. Tae is so cute with the kids and like Kevin said, it's adorable. I actually think I preferred Jimin and Namjoon's dance. To me, it just seemed like they had more chemistry and Jimin knows how to work with Namjoon, even if he seemed a bit stressed. Like the girl said, they look good together lol. They also looked like a cute couple when they were watching the fireworks haha. I never noticed they saw the fireworks here and in bv3; fireworks are their thing i guess ;) anyways, lastly i think i just mentioned that Jin was so insecure about his dancing back then and you can tell even more so cause of how the boys are constantly praising him, as if to make sure he knows he's improved, which was very sweet. I feel like I said other things but oh well, those were the main points. OH and I also mentioned that Namjoon could be a great dancer, but he's so lanky and tall and doesn't know what to do with his body. He sort of...flaps around sometimes lol. Taehyung is also lanky and tall, but he seems to understand and know his body better. So he can work with it.


I’m glad that you guys seem to enjoy AHL a little more now. This is definitely one of my favorite AHL episodes because it’s more fun and lighthearted compared to the episodes prior. Plus we all know that the twerking was the REAL highlight of the episode. Side note: Musicality refers to interpretation of the music. Doing moves that fit the mood of the music as well as the changes in beats/melody.


Great reaction guys to another great episode of AHL! Like the others have commented this is definitely one of my favorite episodes as well. It really showcases the boys having fun and just being carefree.


I don’t think Jin and namjoon are horrible dancers at all , I have seen their fancams which most people don’t just because people assume they are “horrible” dancers only because they both mention that a lot and bts keeps on joking about it but if you focus on them in dance practices or fancams they don’t stand out as odd ones and no one can point at them and say they are the worst. They just get insecure because they were not trained dancers like the rest of the members who have had training, even Suga used to dance before he hurt his shoulder. If you look at this dance practice focus of Jin he literally does all the steps perfectly and is a really good dancer. Most people who don’t know bts won’t be able to pick him out and say that he is bad <a href="https://twitter.com/lejinsonly/status/1078374384170160128?s=21" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/lejinsonly/status/1078374384170160128?s=21</a>


oh no, definitely not!! Jin and Namjoon are honestly AMAZING dancers. I meant that's the stigma they have. People joke that they're the worst dancers, even the members. But honestly, BTS' 'worst' is so superior that i can't even call it 'okay', they're always amazing. I actually love Namjoon and Jin's dancing (i actually think personally there are moments where they even outshine the dance line, but maybe it's just cause i tend to focus on them a bit more cause i'm always looking for their improvements &lt;3). What you said is so interesting though -- people who are new to BTS don't even know that there is a main dancer or a 'best' dancer. Cause honestly, when you're an outsider, they all just look so perfect. That's kind of why i hate the 'lead' and 'main' labels. It makes people focus on those dancers/singers/rappers more and you're subconsciously seeing them as being better cause that's what you're told.


it's so fun rewatching AHL with you it feels so nice as watching it with friends while laughing at the same moments or some times just smiling randomly because of V being adorable 😂 RM's face when twerking was just many things at the same time like it was questionable, scary, cute, funny and awkward at the same time and Jhope killed it again with his swag ✌


I'm late watching this, had such a busy weekend. Really loved this reaction. I loved the beginning when Nate was playing with Tae, bouncing up and down while Jin was sleeping next to them. It was just sweet to see Nate and Tony having fun with them. It kinda broke my heart when JK fell, I knew it was coming and was dreading it lol. Both Yoongi and JK not caring about winning and Tae is just too innocent to notice that they don't care haha. I'm just thankful that Jenny was kind to them. Jimin is lowkey scary but I love that he's super protective of the boys!

Angel DeGracia

This episode was amazing. They’ve all worked hard from the beginning and it shows. Especially with Jin. This boy didn’t know how to sing or dance when he was a trainee, but he worked hard and it all payed off. Now, he has an amazing voice and he’s a better dancer. Also, Tae is adorable in AHL. And jungkook...aish..let’s pray for his tail bone. I once heard that Yoongles used to do b-boying, but when he was a trainee he was in a accident that hurt his shoulder. But, he didn’t tell anyone about it because he was afraid he was would get kicked out or something. Idk. But he trained with a hurt shoulder, and was in pain. Now he can’t do b-boying much. Yeh. That’s it. Luv you guys! Keep up with the reactions! 💜💜


Can you guys react to BTS COMEBACK SHOW HIGHLIGHT REEL. IT so fun and only have 1 ep. You can skip the singing part. Here the link kshow123.net/show/2018-bts-comeback-show/episode-1.html#


V Is So Adorable!! I'm tearing up right now tho. He’s just like a little kid (T^T) I really happy hear you saying that.

Carmen Johnson

Hobi is just too good, and I feel like this is the first time that we've really seen him DANCE BATTLE like you see in a Step Up movie. He's usually pretty humble with how good a dancer he is but it's the first time I've seen that cockiness from an underground/street battle.

Carmen Johnson

also Ricky Dillon was there 😂😂😂😂