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Password = loveyousobad





i think jungkook nearly collapsed after performing idol , when they walking back to there seats . hope there is no more award shows or concerts for a while so they can rest

NoInspirationFor SomeDecentName

Jungkook collapsed indeed after this performance. There is a video of him walking and as soon as he was backstage he couldn't hold it in and lied down. Staff had to walk with him and even during their daesang speech, he looked sick. When I was watching the livestream I was worried he would like pass out right there. I have never seen him like that on stage. All the boys were so tired here as well..... But I believe Jungkook was sick with the flu hence the reason he was definitely not okay. Luckily they are on a break now... :) for like a month.


i think he has also got a bad back as iv seen him holding a hand on it during a few award shows . i heard somewhere that even when there given time off they still carry on working anyway . i admire them for carrying on with things even when their ill and in pain , i have chronic pain and feel such a weakling that i can't work due to it , and then i see them performing even though there obliviously exhausted .

NoInspirationFor SomeDecentName

To be honest, Jungkook has been off ever since Mama Hongkong back in December... He had back pain there, but it was also reported he was sick. He literally missed an award speech and didn't come out at all till he had to perform. A staff stated that he was really sick backstage. The same thing happened at GDA Awards and now SMA Awards... I didn't want to think too much about it, but after SMA where he even had trouble breathing..... plus indeed the back pain he has had these past weeks. However, at the end of the day, we don't know what goes on and it's their business.... so let's leave it.. Bighit is not a company that overworks them, it is more so themselves. So let's leave it 😅


Thank you for reacting to it...I hadn't seen that performance yet 😁. It's amazing that every award show or music festival performance is different. The amount of time they and their team put into all that is incredible. So much work...but it pays of...BTS' performances are like no other. That little timeline thing was great. They have done so much...so many songs...so many videos. Young forever is my all time favourite...such an underrated song.