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Part 1 -  https://dai.ly/x714uan 

Part 2 -  https://dai.ly/x714uax 

PART 3 -  https://dai.ly/x714uav 



Lori Dawn

The rabbit hats/ears just cracked me up! They looked sooooo cute but so ridiculous at the same time lol. I don't know about you guys but I laughed like a giddy 6 year old girl at that part lol. Well maybe for you guys it'll be giddy 6 year old boys lmao ;-) I loved how Yoongi was much more talkative in this episode than before. It always warms my heart to see him open up and enjoy the moment. Now on the other hand I felt like TaeTae wasn't really feeling it this time around. I hope that whatever he was feeling doesn't get the best of him and that he bounces back to his usual lovable dorky self. Overall great reaction guys!


There's a air tube in the hat and ears goes up when you press the paws of the rabbit like they did. Very popular among kids and even some adults wear this on streets in Korea. 🤣


yeah i feel like tae in these run episodes wasn't very...idk, talkative like he usually is? but this was filmed months ago so hopefully he's feeling a bit better. Maybe he was just not feeling the best. I can see Jimin trying to make him smile a lot and get him to interact more.


whenever tae gets something wrong his eyes get big and he does this innocent face and it cracks me up.I love how he was so sad to take off the hat and Yoongi was all "telling them to take it off might hurt their feelings". idk what he meant by that but i think he was defending tae and saying he should be able to keep it on cause he's sad, which is so sweet lol. I feel like it was unfair because jungkook is part of the rabbit family so he has an advantage cause that's his family smh. i only got the cotton swabs right, i know my cotton swabs. i saw it and was instantly like "200!!!!" like i said in a previous comment, i felt like tae was quite down this episode, even jimin seemed a bit confused when tae was zoning out and he seemed very distracted. I hope he was just tired or something, i feel really bad when one of them look sad or not in the mood but they have to join cause of the show. idk when this was filmed but it looked like the beginning of tour cause of their hair and the hotel, so maybe he was just tired from the show the night before. Glad that yoongi and jimin kept trying to cheer him up, though.


the bunny hats are so cute , after seeing them in the bts run trailer i got one off amazon . my cats hates it tho and runs away when the ears move . i really wanted v to win as he looked sad

Vanessa Squintu

I finally had time to catch up. Another chilled but funny episode. These bunny hats are really cute, maybe I should buy one for my niece...her birthday is in February and she likes BTS. Anpanman...or at least the word anpan is actually Japanese for bread. It's bbang in Korean. Tae wasn't really fond of the game. He was ignored the entire time and when it was his turn he made the mistake to call out Hobi who was already out. He deserved a big hug 😔.


exactly speaking, anpan means 'red bean bread'( dan pat bbang) in Korean.