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Hey Guys!
I just wanted to give you guys an update on what's going on with me.
This month as some of you know has been crazy.

My hand is doing really well!
(as you can hopefully see)
I think taking a good break this month helped, as well as doing some physio therapy.

My Physio therapist said it should be ok to work as long as I take care of it.
Stretch often. Take mini breaks. Ice. Sit properly with good posture, and wear my brace to sleep.

So thats my hand.

You may have also heard that I said I was planning a move.

I've been planning a move to Spain for a few months now, and its finally happening.
Because of the state of the world it was a long arduous process that was rought with lots of twists and turns bureaucratic red tape, fear and anxiety, tears and stress. But also lots of love and support from friends and family.

Not to sound like a HUGE dweeb, but it was literally like the game HADES (including angry father that thought I was making a mistake as one of my last hurdles)
(its ok he came around and is supporting me with love and respect) It turns out the final boss was actually ME and my own self doubts. Basically my dark reflection.

The reason I'm only now officially announcing it is because my departure was not guaranteed until very recently.
So I will be leaving tomorrow.

By the time you read this I will likely be en-route.

My move there won't be permanent. But I will be there for a while. The greater part of 2021.
This month did not see a lot of artwork from me for these reasons.
This I know.

So what I'm gonna do is Not Charge you guys for December.

Why am I doing this?

Long story short, I have a lot of catching up to do.
I have 1 or 2 pieces to catch up on from October
Including comic pages, which were supposed to get done in November, but my hand injury stopped me.
I have all your poll results for November (if you haven't voted yet please do!) So I know what you guys want to see, and I will execute it in December.

Basically December is gonna be November. work wise.

My Goals:

-To use the month of December to fully catch up on all my outstanding work I owe you folks:
Pinups and Comics

- To execute them in a quick and timely manner so that I can supplement my December with Commission work, as I will need it for my December income.

- I don't know how Christmassy I'm going to feel being away from home for it. But If the mood suits me, I will try to make some time to  do some Sweet Christmas Freebies. No promises on that though!

I just want to tell you guys how thankful I am for all of your support.
This month was the month from hell for me. But I was comforted when I looked at my Patreon subs and notice the numbers didn't dip very much if at all.
At a time where I was worrying about 100 different things, you guys had my back and ensured me that I didn't have to worry about my Patreon page. And that is so invaluable to me. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. Truly.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. You guys had my back when shit was really tough and scary, and in return I will make you all whole, with the content you know and love from me, and have come to expect.

Thanks again, and I love you all.

I will also like to take a brief moment to thank all the NEW supporters I have received this month. I have noticed you and I appreciate you climbing aboard!
I hope you guys stick around and contribute ideas to my growing portfolio of poon pics lol.

The next time I talk to you I will be in Spain!





It's a long road and what perfect timing for 2021 is for alot of us as the light at the end of this darkness we all have been through, especially if you live in the US. I am right now about to clean up a nice debt that I am almost a free man myself soon.


Thats great to hear Animeplayer! :) Im glad to hear that!