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Just wanted to thank you guys for your continued support!
I got good news from my Physio Therapist today
And I wanted to finish this pic of Sarah I tried doing as "pain tests" during my time off.

Basically I can get back to work, as long as I do my stretches and ice, and just take better care of my hand.

Its my biggest asset! So it must be protec! lol

Anyway, I don't think I lost much (if any) patrons after the announcement, in fact I think I gained some new ones!
Which is incredible! :) <3
So I just wanted to thank you guys for sticking with me through a tough time. 

I'm not out of the woods yet, I still have to catch up with some over due work for October, and then start tackling November's work, which will go into December.
I appreciate everyone's patience and support in the months to come!

Thank you again,
You guys are the best!






That's excellent news to hear! Just, don't push your luck. =P


And the love can return to you! (or us... when you draw it... soon.) Cheers!


Great to hear that, you should try some cbd cream or something too


Yess Thanks guys I'm happy to be back in working condition :)