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Newlyn and Neoma decide to head into the city proper.  As they continue towards the main gate, they notice an increasing number of Fae soldiers and squires. The Order of the Fae Knights were once protectors of the Eventide Channel and it's environs, but were corrupted after the morph cataclysm. These new Fae opponents have a nasty ability to drain morph out of unsuspecting targets, and both morphlings learn quickly to avoid the Fae's elongated claws.  

The morphlings find the gate to the market square and eagerly push it open, hoping to lay hands on whatever supplies still remain in the abandoned market - but they quickly find that the market is anything but abandoned.  The largest Fae knight they have thus far encountered stands in the middle of the square. 

She turns to meet their gaze, and the eyes within her helm ignite with morph-starved madness. The gaze of Fae Knight Obstaella, the Sun Taker, is upon them.

Whelp, hope you all are ready for the next vote. I started this because Antonio P wanted me to use his patron reward time to turn the "Winx Club" characters into bosses. Yes, Fae Knight Obstella started as a parody of Stella from Winx Club. 



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