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Been seeing more and more artists make characters to auction off as adoptable. What do you all think of the idea? Is it something you would be interested in?

Have I already asked this question? I forget.

If you want an example of what I mean, Theycallhimcake is running an adoptables auction right now https://twitter.com/theycallhimcake/status/1217255216350928897

Last option should be "I hate the idea!" sadly I can't change poll options.



If that interview I got on Thursday lands me a new job, would be happy to join this auction. X3

FrostBite X39

I’m somewhat unclear as to what you mean. I understand the idea but don’t see how it would work


I create a character, make a reference sheet for it and then I hold an auction. The person who wins gains ownership of the character and can do with it as they please.

FrostBite X39

Ahhh okay so basically if the wanted to change anything about them they are free to do so. That makes sense.


A good example is what theycallhimcake is doing right now https://twitter.com/theycallhimcake/status/1217255216350928897


Also some artists won't do commissions on other artists creations even if given the permission to do so. Because of that its common on art sites for some artists so solely create characters to either sell or auction.


Why are the last two the same?


the last one should be "I hate the idea!" but I screwed up. Can't change it now.


I dont fully comprehend the need for "adobtables". is it like: "I cant come up with and draw my own character, I better buy a pre-made one instead" ?


I thought the same thing, but then I realized something. You could also do your own pluming, repair your car or any other complicated endeavor. Or you can take advantage of the fine products made by a trained professional. Also its a good way to support creators you like.