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Queen Nyxy shadow skin designs. So these patterns are on her skin but she is able to morph them to an extent. 

Please feel free to share why you like about any of the designs or any other feedback you may have.



I prefer 3. It has that elegant look to it. Almost voted for 4, but the garter markings were a bit much. 6 has a really good chestpiece as a bit of a sluttier form of 3, but the leg markings are pretty weak. The figure is a bit... the hips and butt are a bit too exaggerated for me, even considering your artstyle. And I'd actually prefer the "markings" cover her even more, just to keep to that sexy-but-elegant dress look from her inspiration if possible.


The top from 6, the neck from 2, and the bottom from 5 would be an excellent combination.