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시즌 4까지의 덱스터는 인생드라마라 할만큼 너무 재밌었다. 이후 5-6은 재미없지는 않았지만 추천할 만큼의 특색은 없었다. 그냥 흔한 범죄 드라마... CSI 를 보는 것 같은 느낌. 연쇄살인마 덱스터에게 가족이 있다는게 스토리를 진행하는데 분명 걸림돌이 되었겠지만, 그래도 그들이 있었을 때 다른 드라마와 차별되는 재미가 있었다는 건 확실하다. 범죄 드라마지만 마음이 따뜻해지는 그런 매력이 있었으니까.

딱 시즌 6까지 빠른 속도로 보고 시즌 7과8은 줄거리만 검색해봤다. 음 그렇구나.

드라마를 보다보면 장면 장면들의 연출에서 영감을 받게 되서 좋다. 간만에 너무 재밌고 좋은 드라마였네. 고마워 덱스터 안녕~!



Damn you're fast ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Hmmm, well i stopped after... you know what happend ㅠㅠ. And after reading this i don't think i'm going to watch the season 5 after all. Hey, have you watched Breaking Bad yet ? If not, give it a try, for me it is one of the best show ever made. Ask some Zellies around here they would recommend it to you aswell i'm sure ! People have good taste in here. :D


I haven't watched that show lol


S5: meh S6: meh but cliffhanger S7: meh but cliffhanger S8: meh + WTF ending Dexter is another series supporting my theory that most tv drama is best in seasons 2 and/or 3, and then less worth watching after seasons 3 and/or 4... Of course a few exceptional shows were worth watching through the final ending, but most typical for-profit-only Hollywood writers are more focused on keeping a show going as long as possible rather than telling a meaningful story until the end like classic movies/books in my opinion Breaking Bad is in my all time best tv shows, but I learned it's not for everyone apparently? One youtuber tweeted she stopped watching because "Breaking Bad was boring" so I had to unsubscribe 😂 Also someone I know personally just refuses to watch it "because of the drugs and violence" ... the show creator even said many tv networks wouldn't even consider buying the show for their channel "because meth" until AMC picked it! Thankfully AMC is ok with tv shows that are slower and more "adult" like Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Mad Men, Better Call Saul etc. but because the shows are a bit different feel than most tv shows, I can understand why not everyone is interested 😄...