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하루종일 비. 그런데 서울보다 남부지방에는 더 많은 비가 오는 모양이다. 엄마 아빠 친척들이 있는 진주에는 호우주의보가 내렸다.

시국이 시국인지라 매해 여름에 흔히 보던 장대비인데도 괜시리 불안한 마음이 든다. 수돗물에서 벌레가 나오질 않나. 이스타 항공이 파산을 한다지 않나.

올해는 정말 이상한 한해야. 하지만 이 또한 지나가겠지? 나중에 우리는 이날을 어떤 날들로 회상하게 될까?



This year is ... so bad. It's not getting better that's the most scary thing about it. At this point, i wouldn't be surprised if a Zombie Apocalypse happen or an Aliens invasion. 😑

Ronny [Rendition]

I wonder if any of your future videos will be starring bugs or centipedes instead of a mouse. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ PS: The darkest hour is just before the dawn. :)


it's a very strange year, just want 2021 to come around already. also rain during summer is my least favorite, makes the air too humid which makes the heat even worse 😫


This year is a disaster, honestly. Lots of events, plans and movies are either cancelled or postponed until next year. One of my favorite things to do is going to the movies but I can't do that now because there's nothing new or interesting being shown. It's really unfortunate to not being able to do all the things you love to do because of Corona... But I hope this will pass very soon because i'm already getting sick of it.