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3-4개씩 섭취중..

조금씩 노래지는 중 ㅠㅠ 심슨젤 머지않았네 쩝

야식으로 하나 더 먹고잘까 생각중



Hahaha. We cannot fight nature, it's too strong. :P Well.. a lot of people want a nice tan during summer, you are free to turn yellow during summer then ? ^^ Seriously i don't know anybody else who can change color like this.


The Jaundice/Simpsons transformation of Eunzel has already begun. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Ronny [Rendition]

I heard that centipedes are afraid of yellow people, so eat more sweet pumpkin. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Just accept the yellow and eat all of them lol


Who would like to get yellow tanning lol!! I laughed so hard! XD Hope someday yellow skin is on trending.....


What LOL it seems every zelly is having fun with my centipese story XD


Yeah when there're boxes of pumpkins left at home, I already know that I just have to accept it. It's not because I have to eat them all, but because I WANT to ........ so good.


I still remember when there were lots of comments about my skin color. They all mentioned like "Did she have Cheetos before shooting it? "