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한 빙수가 먹고싶었던 하루. 아 맛있겠다. 밀탑도 맛있고.

팥이 들어가는게 보통 더 맛있지만 아주 가끔 예외적으로 다른 맛있는 빙수들도 있지. 옛날에 투썸에서 나오던 얼그레이 빙수 맛있었는데.

젤리는 싫지만 떡 토핑은 좋아하지. 쫄깃쫄깃한 식감은 반칙이야. 떡 타피오카 다 정말 맛있지~

레드망고 요거트 아이스크림도 정말 좋아했는데 요즘은 왜 없어진걸까?

종일 시원한 음식과 음료만 생각나는걸 보니 정말 여름이다. 아이구 덥다 더워. 에어컨 없는 방음부스 안 여름 촬영의 지옥이 열리려 하고 있다...... !



We should order truckloads of ice in your booth!


Oh no the hot room 😨 the heat is the worst 😭

Ronny [Rendition]

Maybe put a big bowl of cool (NOT ice cold!) water and put your feet in it while filming. Depening on the topic of the video, you can either keep your feet still while recording or you can add some sea/shore ambient sound by moving your feet gently. Just be careful it doesn't splash or spill into the PC or any other electric stuff underneath the table. Alternatively, soak some towels in cool water and wind them around your ankles. They should provide constant cooling due to evaporation.


Mango Yogurt ice cream and shaved ice? I love eating those freezy things every summer! So delicious 😋 I like what Ronny suggested here^ You should do that.


This is not related to the post but i heard Twitch is going wild on copyright claim now. Twitch is starting to ban people using music without right so yeah, better be careful tomorrow Eunzel. :( Did anybody else heard about this ? I mean is this everywhere ? Every country ? Apparently streamer can no longer play the songs they want in the background.


Here, they are talking about it on their official Twitter account, you better check this out : https://twitter.com/TwitchSupport?s=09 It's kind of sad.