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코로나... 코로나... 코로나!!!!!!!!! ㅜ_ㅜ 기약도 없는 전지구적인 이 바이러스의 끝은 언제일까... 백신 개발이 정말 되긴 하는걸까. 진짜 여행가고싶다... 티벳 다녀와서 명상 ASMR 찍고싶다구. 유럽가서 길거리 ASMR 찍고 싶다구. 일본 눈축제도 좋아, 온천도 좋다구.

여행 여행! 진짜 가고 싶어.



나도 여행 가고 싶어 :((


In LA we're stuck at home until around July but it might get extended. I also wanna go out and do stuff but I've already decided that this is a wasted year and I'm just waiting for 2021 now haha


I feel you. This situation is driving me crazy as well. I was supposed to do lots of stuff this spring and summer but all of my plans are put on hold, thanks to Corona... I was planning on going to Korea, but it looks like it won't happen until next year. I really hope this global situation will end very soon because I want things to go back to normal already. It's enough...


내년이 더 좋을 것 같아요... 😖

Ronny [Rendition]

기다릴 수 있으면 좋은 일이 올 거예요. ⌛ 🍵


Same. Places to go and people to see. Stay safe y'all.