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아 저스트 댄스 너무 재밌다. 이게 정말 운동이 되는지는 모르겠지만 일단  정말 재밌다. 땀도 많이 나고. 저스트댄스로 흔들고 땀이 나면 목욕을 하는 루트는 이제 새로운 하루의 행복이 될 것 같다. 아니 근데... Unlimited 이건 모지? 왜 팩을 샀는데도 음악이 다 열리지 않는거니? 언리미티드를 플레이하려면... 인앱 구매인거니...? 아앗 ! >0< 

참, 오늘 드디어 모든 보이스 메일이 발송되었습니다 혹시 못받은 골드,로열 젤리들은 메시지 주세요 :) 



If it makes you sweat then it's a workout, end of. I personally prefer to gamercise by exercising on my recumbent exercise bike while console gaming. Thx for my voicemail btw. :)




Dancing is fun exercise! That's what I do during my quarantine days. I've been dancing since I was 13. I put myself in a room, I dance to my favorite songs (mostly funky songs from the 80's to present time and I would play some MJ sometimes) and it always feels so good. When you dance, you're not supposed to think. You should be feeling the music while you do it. 🕺🎶 Other than that, I do other exercises such as lifting weights, running and biking etc. And I do lots of digital art, gaming and writing as well. Thank you for the voice mail! 😊

Ronny [Rendition]

Dancing excercises all different kind of muscles in the body, instead of only some of them. And it's fun. Looking forward to Dancing livestreams on Twitch :) Thank you for the voice mail!


Dancing is tiring or did you forget when you had to do 3 dances in a row during the phone streams? Lol good to hear you're enjoying yourself though! And thank you for the voice message 😄


Like all with all the other wonderful zellies, dancing is one of the most fun workouts there is. I think because it's so fun, it's hard to regard it as a hard workout, but heck, you sweat and it's gets the heart racing and the body flowinggg haha!! :). I mean those K-Pop stars sure look fit :P. I hope that you're doing well :). Thanks so much for the voicemail and your previous ASMR streams and content!!! :)