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난 마 송이 인기가 제일 많을거라 생각했는데 피드백은 바 송이 가장 좋다. 역시 내 생각과 취향으로 더 많은 대중의 취향을 저격하기란 불가능한 것. 그래서 결국은 계속 이것 저것 해볼 수 밖에 ㅎㅎ

후원 젤리들의 생각은 어떠십니까?

애니메이션 작업을 하면서 모션그래픽도 함께 배우고 있고 이번주 일요일 업로드 될 ASMR 영상에 처음으로 정식 적용될 예정이다. 새로운 시도로 이것 저것 만들어보는건 정말 재미있다. 단점이 있다면 눈이 진짜 진짜 피곤해진다는 것이 있지만... ㅎㅎㅎ 그래서 잘시간만 되면 스르륵 감긴다.

으으, 스르륵...


초코캔디 가나다 송 | 한글 가나다 | 한글놀이 | 인기동요

쌍둥이자매 초코캔디가 친구들을 찾아왔어요 💖 초코 캔디가 알려주는 중독성 있는 한글송 즐겁게 따라 불러봐요 Animation by Eunzel Music by Eunzel and Piani-Cinema Subtitle by Seohyun


Ronny [Rendition]

As last time, I like the music and animation. But did you mean to put the title "가나다" on this one, too? Edit: joke's on me. As Eunzel explained in the stream today, it's still the ABC song, even if it's about D, E and F ㅋㅋ Looking forward to animated ASMR (story?) :D


Being interested in new things, trying new stuff is what you do lol. This is something i like about you, you are not afraid to jump into the unknown. Maybe it will work given time, maybe not, but in the end.. Spending time doing what you like is never a waste of time, you are already successful in your main content you know. I just think, pursuit of happiness is something important. You have improved your drawing and learnt animations, and taught some people new korean words and spelling. And it made you happy doing so isn't it ? It was a lot of work, but it was pleasant to do, no ? That's what matter ^^. Now, this doesn't mean you can't find a way to improve the views hmmm. If YouTube doesn't recommand your work properly maybe you can share it elsewhere. I don't have kids either so i wouldn't know, but there must be a place where people talk about this kind of contents hmmm.


Learning new skills to apply to both sides of your work, that's really good. Keep working hard and putting your all into, all Zellies believe in you and your work

Ronny [Rendition]

About the low view numbers, I think the problem could be using the existing casual / behind the scenes channel. While it may seem like a good idea to upload the new stuff to a channel that already has a lot of subscribers, there are 2 problems I see with this approach: 1) The channel was not always very active. For example there was a 6 months break from June to December 2019. A break this long usually is like a death sentence for the channel, because of the YouTube algorithm. After such a long break, no matter how active you are afterwards, your content will not be recommended to people very often. So you don't get a chance to reach many new subscribers who would be interested in this content. Maybe, after you have been very active for the same amount of time as the break, maybe you will start to be recommended to people again, but only the programmers of the YouTube algorithm know. 2) Most subscribers of that channel probably subscribed for the previous casual and behind the scenes content. They may not be interested in kid's pop. So even the people who are already subscribed will not watch the content a lot. Please keep this in mind: here are some supporters who will watch and follow anything that you do and support you. But we are only a few % of the total subscribers. I think the vast majority of people subscribe because of the content, not because of the creator. And this is mostly true for the 2nd channel, not the main channel. For ASMR, there is a strong connection between subscribers and the artist, because once you find a person who manages to trigger your ASMR, you'll follow that person, even if the style of ASMR changes. But casual content does not easily create such loyalty to an artist. People will move on a lot more quickly if the content changes and they are not interested in the new content. It's tricky, because you can't see this development in the subscriber count. People will stay subscribed, even if they don't like the current content. They stay subscribed, in case you will return to make the content they like. But they will not watch the current content. I think that's why the subscriber count of the 2nd channel only decreases a little bit, but the view numbers are very low. In conclusion, you don't get recommended to gain new subscribers and the existing subscribers don't watch a lot. It would be a hard cut, but I think making a separate channel for the kids content may work better. Of course there is no guarantee, but a new channel that uploads regularly usually gets recommended to people, so you may quickly gain subscribers. And this time it will be people who actually subscribe for exactly this type of content.


I agree, it is fun to try new things. Seeing you trying new things like this is also fun. I thought the "Ma ma ma ma" part was so cute, especially Choco and Candy looking like "Baby Gangsta Zel's" ㅋㅋ 😂 You did great, Eunzel. I'm proud of you. If you have fun making this content for the little ones, keep on doing it. It's adorable. Don't ever stop doing what you love doing. This new content will probably take some time to reach its audience, but i'm sure there are already young viewers who are digging it (= meaning they like it)


라 송이 젤 취향