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“이런거 하면 안돼. 조회수 안나온다고, 자극이 없잖아. 구독자 30만명치고 너무 저조함.”

...? 읽고 내가 든 생각은 우선 물음표였다.

조회수가 안나오는 영상은 만들면 안되나?

애초에 조회수가 나올지 안나올지 누가 어떻게 알지?

심지어 이건 커스텀 영상이고 내가 내 구독자와 오랜 시간 소통해가며 만든 영상이고 그 자체로 의미가 있는건데, 내게 아무도 아닌 본인이 뭔데 이런걸 올리라 말라 하는건지.

물론 그 말이 아예 틀린 건 아니다. 폭발적으로 성장하는 다른 유튜버들과 비교했을 때 나는 작년 하반기부터 상당히 느릿느릿한게 사실이고 많은 사람들의 흥미를 끌려면 더 확실한 자극이 있어야 하니까. 알지 알지.

하지만 난 결국 내가 하고 싶은 걸 하고 만들고 싶은걸 만든다. 이어이팅도 리킹도, 자극적이고 화제가 될 것 같아서가 아니라 내가 좋아해서 만들었던 것처럼. 난 유명한 유튜버가 되고 싶은게 아니라 하고 싶은 일을 하다 보니 유튜버가 된 것 뿐인 것처럼. 가끔 사람들은 너무 쉽게 타인의 목적을 마음대로 설정하고 비판하고 채찍질하는 것 같다. 뭐 어쨌든 그 비판과 채찍마저 관심이니 감사해야하는 직업이지만 말이다.

난 인디뮤지션 시절 일년동안 음악으로 100만원도 못벌때도 ‘그래도 음악을 할거야!’ 뮤직 이즈 마이 라이프를 외치며 서울,경기도권 가리지 않고 돌아다니며 과외를 했었다. 항상 하고 싶은게 무엇인지 알았고 그걸 위해 다른건 기꺼이 포기할 수 있었다. 포기하고 희생할 수 있는 용기야말로 정말 가슴뛰는 일을 하고자 하는 나를 굳건하게 하는 힘이었다.

그래서인지 지금도 설령 내가 수입이 사라져도 만들고 싶은 컨텐츠를 만들고 싶은 마음 그대로다.

나를 버리면 오히려 유튜버로 성공하기 쉽다. 유튜브에는 정답이 나와 있으니까. 유행이 적나라하게 보이는 유튜브 시장에서 유행을 따라가면 어느 정도의 흥행이 보장되는 건 누구라도 알지 않나?

하지만 난 그냥, 그러고 싶지 않다. 내가 그런걸 좋아하는 사람이 아닌데 왜 나를 잃으면서 사랑받아야 하나? 난 내가 좋아하는 걸 다른 사람들도 좋아해주는 그 지점을 찾을때까지 좀 더 고군분투해보고 싶고 그 과정이 즐거운데. 정말 힘들지만 즐겁다구. 그 과정이 있었기에 패트리온이나 팬딩 등 유튜브가 아닌 다른 플랫폼에서 둥지를 틀 수도 있었고 말이야.

“난 내가 하고 싶을 때 하고 싶은 걸 하는 것 뿐이야.”

내가 당당하지 못한 부분은 딱 하나! 업로드가 적다는 것. 그 부분은 내가 반드시 해결해야 할 올해의 과제다. 앞으로의 일은 누구도 알 수 없지만 5차원의 내가 말해주고 있다.

“넌 현명하게 해결할거고 다 잘될거야.”



So... she confirmed to me, through messages and comments, even if she can't let us know, she does read everything we post in here. And it's making her happy when we do so ! 😛 Now that i'm sure, let me say this: I'm glad you are doing things your way and don't hesitate to take risks. You are making your own path accordingly with what you like. I wish all content creator would do the same, but i also understand the need to make a living, they need to earn enough to have a decent life, and to invest in many expensive equipment, props and all. But if you follow one of them long enough, you can always tell wich kind of person he or she, is. It's up to the viewers and fan base to make someone believe in what he/she do. The good comments must prevail on the bad one. So the person know, she can continue, there will be someone enjoying and waiting for it. Good night. 😌

Ronny [Rendition]

*Sigh* YouTube comments... Eunzel, just always stay true to yourself :) Let me give you guys a bit of back-story on this video idea. After I became a Royal Zelly in the 2nd half of 2019, I had no idea what to request for custom videos. I didn't want monthly 10min shorts, but instead something with more substance to it, that would be long enough to relax fully. I looked up in awe at the projects she did with Tenshi, SinJa and a few others. The time until Halloween and Christmas was too short to collect enough minutes, so the next occasion was Valentine's Day. When I mentioned the idea to Eunzel back in October (!) she was immediately very supportive of it. It was far enough ahead in the future to allow for building such a lengthy role-play and it would allow her to work on her acting skills. It didn't take long before it was decided that it should be a video that sticks with the YT guidelines, for 2 reasons: 1) it would just be a waste of effort to make such a lengthy roleplay for Patreon only - all the other massive works were public YouTube videos, too. 2) I didn't want to be selfish. I know it's quite sad to return to an empty home on Valentine's Day, so I wanted to give all Zellies on YT a chance to have their girlfriend waiting for them on this one day this year. So, after 2 script revisions there was about 0.75 pages of YouTube-friendly ideas and requests left and Eunzel somehow turned that into this massive 0.75 hours video (the details of this creativity still elude me). Seohyun did great on her first editing job and I can forgive her (or Eunzel) for the little typo. I know it's my custom video anyway. So with the huge amount of effort from several people, I don't get how people on YT can be so ungrateful. Actually, I made up my mind: There is one more request already in the pipeline, script submitted (that could turn one of Eunzels previous videos into a series, not going to give away anything else) and this request is also taylored towards release on YouTube. If people are as ungrateful on this one, too, I will do my best to include Patreon-only type of triggers into all future requests. I can enjoy a lens licking or ear eating just as much as some hair brushing and casual girlfriend talk. Ungrateful people on YT will miss out on these. At least, people around here DO appreciate Eunzel's efforts :)


YouTube hasn't been nice to a lot of ASMR channels, people with higher sub counts are also struggling to get the views that they used to, it seems YouTube doesn't really recommend ASMR unless you've already watched it which means it's hard for new people to find it unless someone shows it to them 😫😫


It's unfair how YouTube is to creators, especially when they're giving their sweat and tears to their work. I hope things will change for the better. Of course, there will always be people who think they can dictate what you can or cannot do. Don't let those types of people get to you, they're not worth your time. They draw that negative energy towards themselves and it will just end up blowing up in their faces.


I enjoyed it, you guys did a good job i don't know what's up with some people, but most of them are enjoying it, are they not ? I'm sure it's going to get more views given time, it's not an ear eating video but c'mon... Eunzel as our Valentine ? Yeah it's gonna get more views lol. I bet my tent on this one. ⛺ Youtube is youtube, a lot of cool people but some angry and hateful person aswell. Someone can make a video about the sky, there will be people to smash that dislike button instantly, because they don't like the sky or it's not the right color... I mind the views aswell, only because i want her work to get attention lol. But actually i enjoy some of her videos with less views too. The Doll Shop one is among my favorite, cuz of the ambiant music and the whispering. And it's a long one i like that ^^. Anyway it was a good one, perfect for the occasion. But maybe people with actual GF can't click on it just yet, they have to wait or hide ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. They don't want to get caught. 😅


은젤님이 하고싶은대로 하기를 응원하는 사람도 있어요~


은젤님을 항상 응원하는 팬들이 있습니다^^ 저런말에 넘 신경쓰지마세요ㅎㅎ 항상 화이팅입니다~~!!