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한동안 식용 사물 영상을 찍었는데 이제 컨텐츠의 방향을 바꿀때가 되었다 싶어 고민이 많다. 무엇보다, 더이상 내가 식용 사물 영상의 감상도 제작도 그닥 즐기지 않는다는 것. 나는 끈기가 너무 약해서 내가 스스로 즐기지 않는 컨텐츠는 도무지 진득하게 제작하지 못하는 사람이다.

내 채널은 지금까지 두번의 큰 변화가 있었는데 시즌으로 이야기해보자면 이어이팅,리킹이 시즌1, 식용 사물이 시즌2 정도였다고 생각한다. 시즌2로 넘어오면서는 수면유도 본질의 기능보다는 재미적 요소가 가미된 영상을 제작해 왔다. 한창 그때 내가 그런 영상들을 즐겨봤던 이유가 가장 컸고 이어이팅,리킹이나 입소리 영상 모두가 유튜브 알고리즘에서 유해 영상으로 분류되었기 때문에 의욕이 꺾였던 것도 큰 이유였다.

하지만 식용 사물을 ‘제작’하는 것은 너무 재미있고 좋아하지만 ‘먹방’을 직접 하는 것은 크게 좋아하지 않기 때문에 자꾸만 촬영이 꺼려지게 된다. 애초에 제작자로서 ASMR 이 좋았던 것이지 먹방이 좋았던 건 아니기도 하고, 해가 바뀌려 하는 만큼 어쨌든 변화와 발전이 필요한 때라는 생각이 든다. 여러모로 더 이상은 식용 사물 먹방 컨텐츠에 미련을 버리고 슬슬 시즌3로 넘어갈 준비를 할 때가 되었다.

그런고로 시즌3의 메인이 될 컨텐츠로, 내가 어떤 것을 좋아하면서 잘할 수 있는지를 또다시 고민하게 되었다. 이 고민은 asmr을 사랑하고 즐겨보는 여러분과 함께해도 좋을 것이다. 참고로 롤플레이는 자신이 없기도 하고 즐겨 보던 장르도 아니기 때문에 가끔 할 수는 있지만 메인으로는 적합하지 않을 것이다. 또 사람들은 내 얼굴이 나오는 걸 좋아해주신 것 같다. 그러므로 손만 나오거나 컨텐츠만 나오는 형식은 좀 더 나중에 먼 미래에 시도해봐도 좋을 것 같다.

유해 컨텐츠로 지정되지 않으면서 나와 잘 어울리는 장르는 무엇이 있을까? 고민은 어렵지만 한편으로 가장 설레고 즐거운 일이다.



ASMRの作品は色んなのがあるけど、いざ作るとなると難しいですね。考えれば考えるほど悩んじゃうw 個人的には、やっぱり耳舐めが1番好きだけど、YouTubeの規制に引っ掛かるんだよねw YouTubeさんあれはASMRの1コンテンツなのになぜ規制なんてかけるの…🥺


Whatever you pick, I'm ready to watch 😄


I think everyone have different taste, but it's a very interesting question ! I like ASMR the best, when it allow me to escape reality, just for a short period of time. I find this relaxing and stress releasing. It has to feel personal, if the commentary is focused to a wide audience then it wont work, if you can feel the "youtube" aspect it's not working for me. Of course roleplaying videos are the best for me but not the only one working, i think any video about personal attention produce the feeling i like in your ASMR. But yeah my favorite videos of your channel for me, are those when it feel like you are alone with the viewer. So, not the edible series, they are fun to watch but not producing the same magic. But i think everyone like different type of asmr and videos so, lately i've seen trending thing like "destroying make up" and such, it get millions of views for a 5min videos. It's short, almost no editing work involved, well, almost no work or creativity involved, period. And yet, people like to watch this. So i guess, i'm not "everyone" because this kind of ASMR is pointless to me. >< But Eunzel, if i may ask you this. Could it be possible, hmmm, for next year to add something in your highest tiers on Patreon ? I was wondering if you could upload the high quality audio files somewhere for us to dowload it ? Like, do you have a Dropbox account ? So you can upload it there. Because youtube tend to reduce the quality of everything, audio and video. It changes the codec and bitrate and sample of everything. Turning it into webm or any other streaming codec. But, high quality sound is what makes the difference. It would be so awesome if you could upload the high quality audio files, AAC, or FLAC or WAV ? Even high quality MP3 would do, i don't know what codec your mic are using before any converting and rendering. I had to ask ^^, i think it would be a really good reward. :)


가장 무난한 건 아무래도 태핑 영상이 아닐까 싶네요. 사물들마다 다 다른소리들을 내니 고민해보면 여러 종류로 찍을 법 하고요. 그러고보니 은젤님 영상들 중 태핑 영상은 아직 못 본 거 같기도 하네요 ㅎ


Well i'm not supposed to but i think he wont mind if i do it here, i'm a Patron for a talented artist who remix Kpop adding more electro to it. Anyway i just wanted to show you, how Dropbox is working. So here is a link of what he offer as reward: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/somw6580lbmnop1/AAD-inUD-nzweLy-Ufuvu9G2a?dl=0 So he is sending his monthly work by message, the high quality audio for his Patreon. Of course everyone can find his work on his youtube channel for free but i thought, it could work for an ASMR artist aswell. We all know, a good sound quality is a huge deal for ASMR. :P

Ronny [Rendition]

Hm... there are a few ideas that come to mind: -hair brushing -brushing your face (tracing contours) with a blush makeup brush -pretending to brush/paint the viewer's face Each of these feature your face and provide plenty of opportunities for staring at the camera lens. Faceless videos can wait until you're about 50 or so hahaha. Falling asleep together type of videos would also work, is there a better thing than generating views while you sleep? ^^ Also, don't worry to remember all these, I'm taking notes right now and I'll be sure to add the above into future custom video requests :) And lastly, you don't have to drop edibles completely. Everything becomes challenging if you do it (and ONLY it) for a long time. But if you took a break from it, inspiration might give you new ideas for edibles that will actually make you want to revisit the concept for a single video every now and then.

Ronny [Rendition]

Another idea for future seasons would be tutorials. Also, when you get your new 4K camera, don't discard the old one. Having 2 cameras will enable a whole new possibility of picture-in-picture. For example, you could do a piano tutorial, where you just film yourself sitting at the piano and explaining stuff with the 4K camera, and in the corner of it you can add footage from the secondary cam that focuses on the keyboard, showing how to place the hands for different chords etc. Of course this is just 1 example, picture-in-picture provides endless new options. Lastly, the thing that puts me to sleep the fastest are the videos of you in the massage parlour. Watching somebody else getting a massage is actually sooo boring, it's deadly effective for me. ^^ But of course falling asleep isn't the only reason to watch ASMR, often times it's just for calming down, relaxing or enjoying some tingles. So content that doesn't put the viewer to sleep right away has every right to exist as well.