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미세먼지 주의보가 있으니 외출할 때 마스크를 꼭 하라는 엄마의 문자로 아침을 시작했다. 누군가는 미세먼지 자체를 음모론이라고 이야기 하기도 하지만 나는 몇 년 전 온 하늘이 노랗게 뿌얘졌던 날을 잊지 못한다. 그 날 처음으로 생각했었기 때문이다.

“아... 미세먼지는 진짜구나” 하고.

지난주에 이모 집에서 쉬면서 TV에서 영화 인터스텔라를 해주는 것을 봤다. 극장에서도 너무나 압도당한 채 감명깊게 보았었지만 TV로 다시 봐도 그저 감탄스러운 영화였다. 전에도 언급했던 것 같지만, 최근들어 더더욱 시간도 마치 공간처럼 이미 존재하고 있다는 주장을 믿는 쪽이 되어 가고 있다. 즉 과거 현재 미래 모두가 이미 그리고 계속해서 존재하는 것이다. 그래서 영화 인터스텔라는 더 경이롭다. 크리스토퍼 놀란 감독은 도대체 얼만큼 대단한 사람인건지. 그리고 궁금해졌다.

인터스텔라처럼 먼지로 하늘이 뒤덮여 인류가 살 수 없는 날까지 과연 몇 년이나 남았을까?





I've read about fine dust on a video named "10 reason not to live in korea" something like this. In the video, the person say, it mostly comes from China ? Is it everywhere or only in the big city ? Interstellar is an amazing movie, that water planet with huge tsunami or wave was so scary haha.


I wonder what the fine dust is made of, it also explains the popularity of face masks in Korea. Interstellar was really good I saw it again like a month ago lol I wish I could time travel 😭😭

Ronny [Rendition]

I don't know how strict environment regulations are in Korea, but as Tenshi said, it most likely comes from China, depending on the wind direction. Unfortunately, China still relies very much on burning coal and oil for heating and generating power. To make their economy able to compete on the global market, they have next to no environmental protection laws. When the wind blows it over to Korea, I guess it will be everywhere, but as soon as the wind direction changes, it will be gone a lot faster in the open countryside than in the big cities. With all the buildings packed tightly, it blocks the wind that would take the dust away. So it's everywhere, but a lot longer in the cities, I think. Over here in Europe they are currently installing the other extreme: as soon as the fine dust reaches a certain level, they plan to ban diesel engines from the cities.


In France, few years ago our government offered a financial support to replace our car with diesel ones. And now, they want to ban diesel haha. A lot of french are mad about this lol. I think, our life style have reached a turning point. People are aware of the danger if we keep living like this, but, it will take time to find solutions. Just like nuclear energy, people don't want it anymore but they don't realize yet, we don't have any alternative that doesn't involve for us to use less energy. And they are not ready to do that so...