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오늘은 머리가 너무 아파 일기를 쓸 여력이 없습니다.. 이것도 감기 증상일까요? 어쩌면 좋아...



지금 일교차가 심해요. 감기 ㅠ. 따뜻하게 하고 주무세요




Get well soon and stay warm!


Hope you get better soon! And it might be a cold. Time be in bed all day being with Jojo 😄

Ronny [Rendition]

Oh no, just when you wanted to do some traveling. ㅠㅠ It can be a cold or maybe it's a case of meteoro-sensitivity. Which means you can feel sick when a major change of weather or a heavy storm is imminent (air pressure changing rapidly). Please stay warm, yesterdays Insta post made me freeze from watching it. The wind is visibly shaking the branches of the trees in the background and it's whirling your hair and you stand there with just a shirt. *shiver* At least you had 조조 in your arms to cover them a bit :) 빠른 쾌유를 빌어요. (I really hope Papago isn't letting me down on this one ^^)