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Imagine this. The party are sailing to to the island late in a storm late at night. Imagine the white light of the full moon at their backs, the black ocean below, the roiling purple sky above, when a flash of arcane blue illuminates the faces of the party and crew, forcing them to rub spots out of their eyes.
On a distant clifftop, the magical bridge of light that connects the lighthouse observatory flickers and fades as two dragons spiral and clash high above, blasting arcs of lightning into the clouds.
When panic burns through the crew, things get worse aboard the ship. Something lurks in the water, snatching sailors out of their boots. A harpy circles above, her song ensorcelling the weak-minded enter to her violent embrace.
This ship is going to sink. What does the party do?

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Joshua Hutchinson

Whats a good way of wrapping this up if they pass or fail, do they just black out and end up on the beach ?

Destiney Smiley

I'll be DM-ing my first campaign very soon; we're starting with DOSI. Your videos and PDFs have made me feel so much more confident in the story I want to tell. Thank you!