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A backstory should be a functional document. Players who fall into the trap of instead writing a short story are wasting their effort — who needs all this useless information about the character’s childhood, filmic descriptions and dense prose? Thankfully there’s a better way. 
The PDF provides scaffolding to the process of creative a character backstory, and additional pages for your character sheets. These extra sheets should help players structure their backstory in a way that gives the Dungeon Master more useful information.

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Kenneth Straka

Hi Matthew! Something seems to be wrong with the Better Backstories Sheet. It's huge (11MB) for two almost-blank pages. And there are a ton of layers that appear to be hidden with things regarding "physical limitations" and appear upside-down? For example, as page 2 is loading: https://i.imgur.com/NQjk4Uy.png Your content is great, by the way. I'm using lots of your changes in in my first DM experience, LMoP.

Matthew Perkins

Oh no! I'll fix it this afternoon. It's something I hacked together from some other designs, so I know exactly why it broke :( :( :(