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Hey friends!

Here are the generic stats I'm suggesting you use for your assault on the starting town in Chapter 2 of Storm King's Thunder. This is a combat against the Giant Commander and a number of minions equal to the number of players in your party.

The reason I've done this via Patreon rather than embedding it in the video or the Giant Attack PDF is because I expect these stats to change. As a flippant DM, I find I have a lot of freedom in the way I tell stories, but the tradeoff is I'm bad at mechanical balance, so I'll be adjusting these numbers based on your feedback. This is "balanced" for a level 5 party at full resources.

This encounter also includes loot!


The Mammoth Skull Hammer is a massive hammer, shaft made of petrified wood with a tusked skull as the weapon’s head. It requires attunement and is fitted with a boar skull when it shrinks down to be equipped by a Medium or smaller creature. The hammer does 2d6 damage, has a melee range of 5ft and requires two hands to wield. Once per day, as an action, the wielder can make a single weapon attack and send out a shockwave affecting every creature within 10ft of the attack’s target except the wielder of the Mammoth Skull Hammer. Anyone affected by the shockwave must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The DC to resist this effect is equal to your Strength modifier + your proficiency modifier + 8.



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