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It took three days for the fallout of the attack to sort itself out. It only took three days because the entire mission was under significant time pressure, and so matters like precedence, security and pride had to be rushed. In the end, the first Prince of the State of Wei was replaced as the personage they would meet..

Rather than the first Prince, now they met the King of Wei himself, and the ceremonies and protocols involved were even more elaborate. If not for the fact that they were in a rush, the multi-hour formalities involved, from security checks to meetings with lower ministers would not have been dismissed.

Instead, it only took them slightly over an hour, most of it spent journeying through the massive floating palace for them to meet with the King. They had not even been required to wait, instead being ushered in directly to speak with the royal assembly immediately. Wu Ying, still hanging back, idly nodded to the security personnel who he had grown to known in the past few days. In particular, the Great Commandant, one of the Three Excellencies that made up the three major sources of bureaucracy and power in the State of Wei. He had a few words with the man and the General in charge of the palace guard, the Grand Commander of the Imperial Gates, all of them wishing to question his actions further.

That had been an interesting dance of protocol and secrets, neither group willing to provide full details about their abilities and security measures and yet, needing or wanting to garner as much detail as possible. Of course, Wu Ying's own answers - leaning towards intuition and a bad feeling - was uncomfortably vague. If acceptable.

After all, wuwei, action without thought or consideration, was as much a part of their own studies and progress in the Dao as Wu Ying's own journey. One could not - should not - question such moments, beyond a desire to - perhaps - replicate the actions and moment once more.

So here, he was, knowledgeable of the Wei's security procedures, following behind the Sect Head and the Right Guardian. Acting as no more than the Elder in charge of security for the kingdom and sect itself. Both an important task, and yet, also one that had little true power. It did, at least, allow Wu Ying to stand aside from the protocols to some extent.

A half-dozen steps behind the Sect Head, another three behind the First Prince who was here today, three steps behind the Fourth Prince. All carefully calculated by the protocol officer, to indicate levels of seniority and importance. Then, they kneeled or bowed or kowtowed, all depending on their relative strength and importance in the various states as they approached the raised dias that held the king of Wei.

The man was... well, an old man. Long white hair, shaggy eyebrows and drooping ears, with the look of one who spent only the most minimal of times in the prescribed exercise routine of the imperial physicians. Body gone flabby and shrunken with time, even the benefits of a cultivator's greater strength and immortal boons faded after such time.

A Core Formation cultivator of the sixth level, though his core and meridians were choked with the pollutants and toxins of multiple core formation reinforcement pills. A man who would never reach the greater stages of cultivation, but one who had - like their own Princes - some degree of Body Cultivation as well.

He was not striking or powerful, his aura lazily swirling through the room, uncontested by all. It held with it an indolence and softness that Wu Ying had never experienced among another Core Formation cultivator, a lackadaisical attitude to existence that was reflected in the bored contempt that shone in the King of Wei's eyes.

Flanking the man, standing on the sides of the dais - but not above it, never above him - were his ministers and attendants and the remainder of the royal line present here. Multiple lesser scions of noble houses, some heads of the houses including the House of Wei and, of course, the Princess. Second of their line, her face carefully cultivated to showcase not a single emotion or thought.

"...His August Majesty the Emperor of the Great Wei Dynasty, Favored Son of Heaven, Lord of Ten Thousand Lakes, King Wei Zong, all hallowed be his name, he whose..." the protocol Minister was still droning on, introducing the King of Wei and Wu Ying tuned him out once more.

Instead, Ru Yuan regarded the Princess under hooded eyes, letting his aura and gaze and other senses take account of the woman. He noted that the Fourth Prince was doing the same, though with less caution. Then again, he did not need be circumspect in his inspections - after all, he was her betrothed.

Peak Energy Storage, which would be disappointing, if not for the fact that she was in her mid twenties only - well within marriagable age for a cultivator - and her meridians and dantian were only mildly contaminated. It seemed that the second Princess of the State of Wei had talent. Perhaps, if she had not been born as a Princess, she might even have a chance at achieving immortality.

What a waste.

She would never reach those heights, not without even greater battle and challenge than most. While a powerful king or queen or Princess might be desired, one who achieved immortality itself was unwanted. Strength, but not the abandonment of responsibility and duty were the necessary hallmarks of cultivation in a royal family. Balancing the two - and failing - were also the common consequence of such matters.

Water element, which perhaps spoke of why she had adapted so well. A direct contrast to the metal element of her father, which was perhaps why she was being traded away. Metal and water never got on well, the only worst combination being water and fire. The look she was returning, under the veil that covered her face but did little to hide the plainness of her visage to cultivator eyes, was frankly considering of Ru Yuan, her husband-to-be.

"... attack was unfortunate, but shows how the State of Cao fears the alliance of Wei and Shen! As such, the Most Honored King recommends that the sealing of the alliance be brought forward and the binding of both states be held this night," the Minister of Protocol finished, speaking for the king. They would not, of course, hear the king himself unless matters went off-course.

"What a marvelous idea," the First Prince said, bowing to the throne. Such discussions and agreements had been held between the government bureaucrats beforehand, such that the 'surprise' announcement was well known - and agreed to - by all parties. But they all had their parts to play here. "The State of Shen concurs with the Most Honored King's recommendation. We shall sign the treaty of alliance after the wedding ceremonies of my Honored Brother to the Second Princess.."

"Marvelous, marvelous indeed!" Wu Ying marveled at how the man managed to sound both surprised and grateful to something that had been co-ordinated to the death. But he tuned it out again, continuing his work subtly assessing and testing the various individuals in this room.

He was not the only one, for he could sense the prodding, the gentle twistings of chi and aura that surrounded them. A subtle battle was being waged, in the wind, in the droplets of water clumped together and filled with chi that drifted through the air, the gentle tapping as energy dispersed through the floor as toes moved against the ground, the pulses and reflections of light striking auras.

Cultivators of every element and subtlety worked against their opponents, doing their best to glean details of cultivation level, elements and strength. Prodding for weaknesses, assessing strengths, grasping at daos that might conflict or sustain their own. An insidious dance of energy, one that the royal family and cultivators of pills and potions missed entirely.

But such was the dance of cultivator against cultivator in such august company. And if Wu Ying found himself a little outmatched, well, it was only because they had techniques and methods unknown to him. Like he, them.


"What did you think?" Fa Yuan drifted over to Wu Ying later that day, the minor bubbles of privacy they all carried with them reinforcing one another as she stood beside him. Together, their auras mingled to stop anyone overhearing their words or even reading their lips, a minor distortion of air in-between them and others, they spoke in the massive hall as the bethrotal ceremonies continued. The Princess was away right now, being cared for, being prepped for her wedding by the women of her family. In lesser families, this was the time for frank conversations and advice, to discuss what was to happen later and the duties of a woman.

In a royal family, Wu Ying wondered. Was it a time of silence, or were subtle threats being employed, reminders that the Princess was to do her duty and not shame them all. Or were other considerations at play, subtle perfumes and alchemical makeups to beautify the Princess further and enthrall her husband-to-be.

The Prince himself had been taken away, the merry games of peasantry and the challenges of money and wits that were so common replaced by bureaucratic documentation. Treaties and promises, gifts of mines or cartons of silver or treatises of cultivation, all offered as part of the trade for the Princess's well being.

"Of the State of Wei and their cultivators?" At her nod, Wu Ying replied softly. "They have not sent their best."


"The Monk of Seven Legs is not here, nor is the General of the Iron Brigade or the Liar of the Western Reaches." All members - well-known members - of the previous war who had done much damage to the State of Shen. Before they had been pulled back, before they had turned against the dark sect in their midst.

"Some are here. The Three Swords of the Iron Pass, the Patriarch of the Six Jade Gates, the General of the First and Fourth Armies," Yang Mu pointed out softly.

"Yes, they are. But how many of those will come with us?" Wu Ying shook his head. "Most of those coming, they are not named."

"You worry they intend to attack us afterwards?"

"Or let us take what danger there might with meeting the Cai. Or even turning on us, together with the Cai," Wu Ying said.

"Is that not more danger if they had brought their best then? That they would be able to truly damage us?"

He could only admit that she was right. Perhaps the paranoia inflicting the Right Guardian and his martial sister was infecting him.

"It is what it is. I believe they bring too their Colonel of the White Lions," Fa Yuan murmured. "Though he guards and scouts the meeting point, even now."

An eyebrow rose at that. While they had never clashed with the Colonel directly, the man always part of the Eastern Army, his reputation had reached even the Shen. Not just for his strength and honorable conduct, but also his sexual predilections. Few cared about such things, but the man took it to scandalous levels. An entire regiment, defeated in the most unbecoming ways was... well. A story.

"The Princess is interesting," Wu Ying said, changing the subject.

"You noticed her meridians."

"Nearly as clear as a sect cultivator." He waggled his hand sideways. "Her Body Cultivation seems a little lax, comparatively. But the Wei's use a Clear Body form, no?"

"They do." She inclined her head a little. "Expensive, but it promotes the drawing out of toxins and contaminants, even from the meridians. Our own royal family use a similar Body Cleansing manual."

Ah, the boon of money and resources. "Any further notes on the attack?"

Fa Yuan shook her head. "Our information sources are sparse this deep in the kingdom, and many we dare not utilise so close to the Wei. But what we have been told is that the attacker has gone to ground and their presence entirely hidden. Neither our people or the Wei have found trace of them or the origins of the attack."

"That is fair enough." He sighed, cracking his neck from side to side. This entire trip, where he was forced to watch over the entirety of the sect and their allies was a pain. That he could, with some help of the wind, was why he had been tasked with such matters. And why his martial sister, with her own knowledge of the politics had been seconded to him. "Three days, then? Of these celebrations."

"Yes. A month after, when the Prince and his bride return, in the capital. But for us, only three days."

Wu Ying could not help but roll his eyes. Only three days of drinking, dancing, ceremonies and congratulations. More food and drink to be spilled and eaten than most villages would see in a single month; but here it would only be offered to a bare hundred guests. Cultivators, ministers, bureaucrats and military personnel all; individuals of great value. For definitions of value.

The longer he stayed here, the greater Wu Ying's cynicism grew. He had spent so many years of his life walking the wilderness, treating with mortal and small sect alike, that he knew his viewpoint was different from most cultivators. Even his martial sister's who smirked at his expression.

"In-between, I guess we shall continue to learn about our erstwhile allies," Wu Ying said. He nodded to the trio coming to them, and gently relaxed his control of his aura, his sister mimicking his actions a moment later.

The trio that approached, the Three Swords of Iron Pass, were liked unsheathed blades in their movement, in their regard. Not animosity, but unsheathed violence and potential that just required an excuse. Wu Ying knew their story, everyone did. The last survivors of a sect, sacrificing themselves to stop an incursion by the army of the Shen that had been unexpected and nearly caused the destruction and pincering of an entire army.

Except for their sacrifice. Except for the death and loss of their entire school, a sword school of great renown once. Except for the three, who had somehow lived.

"Honored Cultivators," Wu Ying greeted them cordially. Fa Yuan echoed his words, offering them a demure smile as she slipped into her role of the beautiful, desirable and winsome fairy.

"Cultivator Long and the gorgeous Fairy Yang," the first to speak was the one in the center. The pair behind bowed, offering silent greetings. "We are Zou Han Ying, Zou Kao Xiang and Zou En Lai of the  Whispering Green Blades."

"We know, of course. The story of the Three Swords of Iron Pass have been immortalised in tale and song," Wu Ying said. "Your bravery and honor transcends even national borders."

"And the Verdant Green Waters has walked many lands, has he not?" Han Ying said. The man was the leanest and tallest of the lot, a bamboo sapling grown tall and lean clad in the reds and creams of his sect's robes. "\

"I have traveled across some lands, seen a few sights. Heard many stories, but few of them as heroic as yours," Wu Ying replied easily and smoothly. "It is my honor to meet you all."

"The honor is all ours," Han Ying replied, and the trio bowed once again. His gaze drifted downwards, towards Ren, his eyes lighting up with interest as it did so. His brother, En Lai, was already fixed on the jian and Wu Ying could sense the probes the man sent via his aura, attempting to study the weapon through his own spiritual defenses and the sheath.

"A marvelous weapon," Han Ying said, when neither party spoke for a moment.

"It is. I acquired Ren in Nanyue," Wu Ying said.

"The (???) smith, was it not," Kao Xiang said. "I have long admired his works, though few enough of them reach us so far north. Is he as rumored?"

"Old, irascible and unwilling to part with his greatest works?" Wu Ying said, a small smile on his lips. "Yes. Very much so. Though, for those with your strengths and training, he might make exceptions."

All three of them were disciples of the jian. All three had gained great understanding of the weapon, all three had the Heart of the Jian. It was part of their myth, the legend of their stand. How, in the blood soaked gorge, as their sect died around them; they gained understanding of the jian in all its glory and despair, and stepped into a higher realm of the weapon.

It amused Wu Ying, knowing what he knew now, that it took them nearly their deaths to see the naked blade of war, and him, years of study; to see the work of art. Such was the difference in training, in experience. For all that, none of them had achieved the Soul of the Jian.

"May we?" En Lai said, then flushed. Of the three, he was the youngest, only in his mid-twenties. That he had survived the fight, some said, was because he had protected by the others. That he was the fault that some of them had died, that his presence had weakened the sect. A heavy burden to bear.

"Of course." He extracted the weapon from his belt, handing it still in its sheath to the trio to look over. His own gaze roved over their weapons, a small smile on his lips as he continued. "And yours, those are no simple spirit weapons are they?"

"Saint at the least," Fa Yuan murmured. "Gifts of the Wei, are they not?"

The trio started, as though they had forgotten the fairy's presence. Her eyes glinted with amusement, for the beautiful cultivator was unused to being overshadowed by a sword.

"Yes, it is. Our apologies..." And still, Han Ying's gaze came back to the weapon he held, the one he pulled a little from the sheath. He turned the blade side-to-side, eyed the inlay of the beautiful blade and the blacksmith's mark on the blade itself, just above the hilt. He noted the edge, so thin that even a cultivator's eyes could not see it. Felt the enclosed dao of cutting that made up the weapon, and exhaled gently in wonder. For long moments, he just stood there, unmoving, marveling until one of his brother's nudged him with an elbow and he reluctantly passed the weapon on.

"I feel... I feel as though I've understood a new side of the sword, staring at that weapon," Han Ying said, softly. "An edge that might cut apart a mountain itself, wielded correctly."

"Ren can be wielded like that, but I often feel that the weapon's very presence can - bloodlessly - alter the course of events," Wu Ying murmured.

"The edgeless blade." Kao Xiang nodded, the second brother offering a tight lipped smile. He had a tendency to squint a little when no one was looking, as though he was having trouble focusing. An old habit perhaps, from his time before his cultivation had fixed any such minor mortal flaws. "Our sect wielded those whispers well, changing the course of events for many years. But even the most well wielded edgeless blade must be sharpened at times."

Wu Ying looked over the three, then gestured a little, indicating the north and east. "Though we can but hope that your sect's experience at using such blades in the upcoming talks prevail."

"The Cai are one such group that might need a demonstration of our sharpness," Kao Xiang said, firmly. Han Ying, by the side, cast an askance look at his brother. The pair traded looks, as though rehashing an old argument before Kao Xiang added, reluctantly. "Though it is hoped that we need not unsheath our blades at all."

"We can hope." Wu Ying concurred.

"Senior," the voice was echoed by movement as Ren was sheathed and En Lai offered his weapon back with both hands. Wu Ying took his weapon, affixing it to his belt again as En Lai continued. "I understand that the Verdant Gatherer is a sword cultivator, like us."

"Not exactly..." Wu Ying protested, already seeing where this was going by the glint of interest in En Lai's eyes. Han Ying's lips compressed but he chose not to speak.

"Of course, of course. Our path is much narrower than the Senior's! But perhaps he would care to provide some small instruction to this one?" En Lai said, full of youthful vigor and excitement.

And there, finally it came. Wu Ying was not surprised. Could not be. When sword cultivators met one another, a testing of blades was common. Looking into the boys eyes - man, perhaps, but so young...- Wu Ying could only see innocence and enthusiasm in there. A straightforwardness similar to the edge of a blade, one without guile or deception.

That, Wu Ying believed, was in his Elder Brother's gaze, for Han Ying watched, placcid. Waiting and judging. Curious, to assess Wu Ying in all ways.

And Wu Ying, Wu Ying was curious.



"And the Verdant Green Waters has walked many lands, has he not?" What's his nickname again? This is his sect name, right?


"That, Wu Ying believed, was in his Elder Brother's gaze, for Han Ying watched, placcid" Elder Sister, Fa Yuan?