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Wow, times flies. It's nearly the middle of the month and I'd meant to do this update at the start. Tells you how busy things are, even though it doesn't feel like it at times. Then again, I've been doing a bunch of conventions. Maybe I'll do an end of the year post and discuss everything then.

But let's talk about the writing (and publishing).

System Apocalypse

We launched the first book in the Kismet series, Fool's Play at the start of this month. It's a very different kind of series, not only starting after the apocalypse has happened after a year but also featuring a pair of characters. They're a ton of fun, and quite well worth listening to, but it is different. Audiobook and ebook and print all available. I'll be frank, the launch didn't go as well as we'd hoped, so if you haven't read the series; we'd love it if you gave it a try. It's on KU and audio!

Don't also forget we have the third book in the Relentless series out too. That's Apocalypse Grit by Craig Hamilton, and the audiobook for that should be out very soon. Unlike our usual methods, we didn't have enough time to get it pre-made before the mass release.

We have one other co-author work being done now, it's about 3/4 written so it's many months away from release, but that should see all the major co-authored series up and running.

Australia we're still waiting for KT to get back to it, unfortunately.

A Thousand Li

A Thousand Li: The Fourth Stage (Book 10) is mostly recorded. We have some minor things that need to be fixed but Travis is out doing author things, so we're waiting for that. Release of Book 10 happens on February 1 on Starlit Publishing. So we have a bit of time and it's or a rush. And, of course, the entire series is available on Patreon in its first draft format.

Talking of Patreon, we're pushing out book 11 chapters now. About 8 chapters in for the Advanced Class tier, about 4 more chapters for the other tiers. So lots coming in. I'm writing ahead as usual, though I'm not that far ahead. I'm at 56k words, give or take, right now which is about 2nd act out of 3. Mostly starting the second act too.

Outside of that, the most exciting thing about ATL is the introduction / reveal of our Omnibus cover. Did you see it? That's the Verdant Green Waters sect seal and it'll be what we use for our Kickstarter for the deluxe edition. In a way. (Hint, hint).

Climbing the Ranks

The first book in its complete format (all 180k words of it!) Is available on Starlit Publishing. You can also just read it all for free on the site, depending on your preferred format. It'll go wide to retailers on December 1, 2023 on Amazon and the like. It has an audiobook out with Tantor, though the ebook will NOT be in Kindle Unlimited.

I've also got an author signing for the first time in a book store, Bakka Phoenix in Toronto this Saturday (Nov 18, 2023); so come by if you can! I'll sign Climbing the Ranks which we are selling there or anything else you bring. :) I know they have copies of the Nameless Restaurant still for sale.

Writing wise, I'm well on the way with book 2. It's about 170k words in, and I expect book 2 to be longer than book 1. Probably somewhere in the 200k range. That's been consuming my 'fun' writing time lately.

Hidden Dishes

Hidden Dishes book 2 (still unnamed... I got to work on that!) is being edited. I admit, I haven't gotten around to finishing the edit, even though I should and it's just a matter of focused attention. Just too much going on, but with no more conferences, I should be able to get it done by the end of the month. I WILL get it done by the end of the month.

After which, I'll probably start pecking away at book 3. I've got plans for around 5 books for this story arc, and then another bigger book to round it out, so six books in total? Then we shall see how people feel about the series. :)

Miscellaneous Projects

I have another short story nearly done. I really need to find the time to sit down, edit and send out some of these shorts to various short story magazines. I keep writing them and then just letting them sit on my table. It's funny too, since it's not even HARD to do, just takes a bit of a mental nudge.

With regard to actual indie projects, the major one that you all know of is the Magic Kingdom series. That (thankfully) has been edited multiple times and I actually have most of the spreadsheet for the first 50k words sorted. That means I have another 50k or so of edits to go through, but I'm actually putting that on hold till I get Climbing the Ranks book 2 written. Once that's done, I'll be able to focus on this project further.

My other projects are on hold for now, I have two (three) more that I want to write, but so far; none of them can be fit into my schedule. I'm hoping as I work to write faster, I'll be able to get to these stories. Because some of them are just cool.

Conventions and Other Business Things

No more conventions or workshops for this year! I think I'll do a year end update about conventions, my thoughts and feelings on them all and what I plan for next year. But for the most part, I'm glad to be home and done with. It's been a busy year with travel and I'm looking forward to a few months of not going anywhere.

Not a lot to mention on cool business projects than what's been talked about above (Climbing the Ranks as a free serial on Starlit Publishing, the upcoming Kickstarter for A Thousand Li and a Make 100 project). Everything else, we're still too early to discuss publicly and most won't come to fruition.

So, yeah, words are going down. Books are going out.


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