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Wu Ying trained, pulling at the extremes of his wind body, testing the bounds of his new immortal body and existence. He spun through the air and around the empty cavern, flitting between massive spires of rock as he fought imaginary opponents with every growing speed. In the distance, at the end of the gorge that contained the spires and Wu Ying, an open clearing lay where a single massive column of basalt rock jutted out of the ground.

More than once, Wu Ying had assaulted that rock with the full strength of his dao, his Heart of the Sword and the condensed blood-soaked killing intent of myriad battles. Not once had he managed to mar the surface of the pristone rock, even utilising the many cuts of the Wandering Dragon.

The rock, inert, unmoving was a marvel in itself. Taken from the heart of a mountain, imbued with a solitary dao of existence and unrelenting immovability, it refused to succumb to anything less than the touch of time itself. And even then, only gradually. Wu Ying's own attacks might have as well been the buzzings of a mayfly, minscule and all too ready to pass on.

In this, the Thousandfold Land of Secrets and Techniques, the hidden mystic realm of the Verdant Green Waters sect, the wind cultivator was finally able to let loose. Cut-off from the greate reality, set apart in a different dimension, the greater Dao was but an echo of itself. The balancing of energies and chi within was managed by numerous enchantments to extend their presence; but all too soon, his time would be up.

The Thousandfold Land of Secrets and Techniques was a precious treasure, that protected the world without from his training, but to utilise it fully, the mystic realm had to be rested often. This was Wu Ying's third time within in the span of six months and he knew, he was only allowed so much leeway due to his own recent ascension. It would be many years before another was allowed to make use of this space after he was done, and each time he returned, Wu Ying could sense the greater echo of emptiness within.

Sensing his time was coming to an end soon, the threads of reality - of the Dao - breaking apart, Wu Ying allowed himself to reappear at the cavernous plains. He faced the heart of stone, the greater weight of its dao almost seeming to bend the very fabric of space around itself.

Funny, to think that a stone could have a Dao. But then again, if the Dao was everything, and everything was the Dao, then it stood to reason that everything contained a part of it. And some aspects might take a greater degree of the Dao upon itself. Like the herbs he gathered which not only concentrated the chi of the world; but the dao inspirations of its existence.

Pushing aside those thoughts for the moment, Wu Ying centered himself. He had tested his movement, his connection to the wind in the winding gorge before. Spinning around and across the hoodoos, allowing himself to reform and then come apart in moments. He had focused upon these movements, to his connection to the wind and the sphere of dominion that he had gained. Utilising it to move himself, in a manner akin to teleportation.

It was not, of course, the instantaneous appearance and reappearance of the body. Wu Ying knew, on an instinctive level, that such techniques were only viable for immortals themselves. No, what he utilised was something akin to it, rapid movement across the space that was linked to him across his sphere.

Most interesting, at least to Wu Ying, was that it was almost impossible to stop. Unlike one contended with his dao directly, Wu Ying could divert himself around obstructions instinctually. Just like the wind could enter any abode, any locked room if given even the tiniest of cracks, so could Wu Ying divert around individuals or obstructions as well.

"I could really be quite the thief." Wu Ying's lips twitched with amusement at the thought, though he knew better than to take such action. Not for any particular moral judgment - though he did not, of course, condone theft - but because he had little that he needed to steal.

For the majority of individuals, theft was driven by base needs. Hunger, safety, comfort. Once those needs were met, the remaining desires could not be fulfilled by theft. Ego appeasement, enlightenment, love, respect. Those could not be stolen easily, and if taken by theft, often too easily found out.

Once again, Wu Ying brought his attention to the present. To the weapon he wielded and the technique he was practising. He was close to actualising it, the fifth form of the Wandering Dragon. The Dragon's Furnace.

It had come to him, during his battle with Tou He. When he had flashed around the arena, striking at his friend with myriad small attacks. That repetition was the start of the technique itself, as Wu Ying sprinted from one location to the next, cutting again and again, layering attacks across the surroundings. He imbued such attacks with the full strength of his cultivation base, drawing forth the wind that had begun to turn as it attempted to follow Wu Ying, sending arcs of energy inward.

The jutting heart of the mountain weathered the attacks with nary a pause, blade and sword strikes bouncing off it and fouling other attacks a little. Wu Ying processed such changes and altered his own attacks as he continued to speed up, increasing the volume and velocity of his attacks.

A whirling cyclone of energy surrounded the gorge now, a cyclone forming as Wu Ying utilized his dao and his connection to the seven winds. Each strike grew heavier, combining with others that flew through the air to strike the rock. A ringing gong began to rise, the rock vibrating from the myriad strikes.

And still, Wu Ying was not done. He kept moving, forcing himself to speed up, to sense the pattern of his attacks and the pattern woven by the wind. In-between his movements, as he dispersed himself to the wind and came back, he found it. That rhythm of motion and the Dao.

Faster than ever, Wu Ying appeared and disappeared. He swung his sword once each time he appeared, his body forming a flickering blur of dark robes and green lightning in the cyclone around the stone. Though his body might have disappeared, his attacks flowed, the sword strikes joining together into a single attack that struck at the same angle and latitude in a circle around the heart of the mountain.

So close together, so in rhythm it might as well have been a single attack that came from all sides. It tore through the air, digging into the body of stone. Or at least, attempting to.

And once more, the attack failed to gain true purchase, repulsed. Not even a scratch appeared on the stone, though echoes of the attack still resounded throughout the mystic realm.

Wu Ying came a stop, panting. Steam rose from his body, sweat dripping from his brow, mist and residual water disappearing as he reformed and dispersed. His hand shook, as though he had been striking the sliver of stone directly with his weapon. In a way, he had been, for Wu Ying and his sword had been connected to the very air itself that had moved with his strikes.

"Not yet... not finished yet." Wu YIng muttered, floating down to stare at the unmarred surface. He knew he could do better, he could make the attack stronger. Though it might have torn off the slope of a true mountain, it could not bissect it. Not yet.

Breathing deep, Wu Ying recentered himself and sheathed his sword. He was about to leave when he froze, feeling an unusual presence within. Brows drawn in surprise, he reappeared at the entrance to the sight of Yang Mu removing an enchanted veil, cocking her head around curiously.

Upon catching sight of Wu Ying, she broke out into a wide smile. "Ah, so this is where you've been hiding. Well, where is she then?"

"Where is who?"

"The harlot you've been running away with. It's not Tou He - I know where he is. So who is it?" She glanced deeper within, taking a step only for another hand to materialise and grip her shoulder, stopping her movement.

"Enough, sister," Fa Yuan said, shaking her head. Her eyes were narrowed a little in amusement, though her voice was still stern as she continued. "You know allowing you entrance here is already a significant concession."

"And you know I didn't ask for it." Yang Mu said, though she did not make move to delve deeper. "It's no fun if I can't tease my little dragon, you know."

"As though he looks worried," Fa Yuan said, nodding over to Wu Ying who truthfully did not look so much worried as confused. Some of that confusion cleared up a moment later when the Right Guardian appeared.

"Right Guardian Chang," Wu Ying greeted the man. "Did you authorise Honored Elder Yang's presence here?"

"Authorised and confirmed with the Sect Head," Chang Xue Meng said. He stepped forward, conjuring a chair to sit down upon, the jade hairpiece with its dangling beads making nary a sound, so controlled was his movements. Even so, the use of a chair to sit gave note of the old man's advanced age and his growing weakness. "Honored Elder Yang is important for this discussion."

"And what discussion is that?" Wu Ying could not help but ask, a growing dread rising within him. Premonition of a fate he wished to avoid arriving like a late spring freeze, destroying newly planted crops.

Guardian Chang smiled and said, "Why, your presence in the upcoming diplomatic talks with the Kingdom of Wei and Cao."


Omar Jimenez

Ooohh, why is Wu Ying going to negotiate with two foreign kingdoms? Did someone in the leadership of the Kingdom of Shen request him specifically?

Tao Wong

well, among other things... he's one of the strongest people in the Sect.

Robert Rosenthal

Uh oh he is not known for his diplomacy but that might be the point?


I don't know your editing process, and the AK releases have generally been fantastic insofar as punctuation, grammar, etc. go, so apologies if I make comments on edits/fixes you've already undertaken for this book as I read through The Fourth Fall. greate reality should be greater reality, I believe.

Tao Wong

These chapters are first/rough drafts - definitely expect there to be spelling/grammar issues. Those will get fixed in the editing and proofing stages. Book 11 has already been edited & proofed and is currently with Travis to be recorded soon.